Katherine Walden

Watch your words about someone else, and even more so when others are criticising them behind their backs then acting kindly to their faces. Be the ONE who dares to confront those who gossip about others. It has to stop somewhere. Be the one who reminds others that there is a dangerous line they are crossing. Do so with love but remember -love does not condone gossip.

Katherine Walden

I’ve learned this lesson the hard way and perhaps I can help prevent you from going through some painful lessons yourself. In a time of conflict, ask questions but make sure they are genuine questions. Resist the urge to ask questions that lead people to answer in the way you would want them to answer. Unlike Jesus, you don’t know the intentions of a person’s heart. Give your full attention to their answer without mentally formatting your response as they speak. Don’t be afraid of pauses in a conversation. It’s better to be thoughtful than it is to be quick.
Katherine Walden
Daily Christian Quote Website

Max Lucado

When’s the last time you ran in the direction of your challenge? We tend to retreat; we tend to duck; we tend to hide. We may escape for a moment, but as soon as we emerge from our hiding, there’s our Goliath, still waiting on us. Why don’t you try another tact? Saturate your mind with God, and then—in faith—run at our giant. Emboldened by an un-squashable resolve, load your sling with the rock of faith and take a swing at your giant.