A.W. Tozer

A new Decalogue has been adopted by some of our day, the first words of which reads, “Thou shalt not disagree,” and a new set of Beatitudes too, which begins, “Blessed are they that tolerate everything, for they shall not be made accountable for anything.” It is now the accepted thing to talk over religious differences in public with the understanding that no one will try to convert another or point out errors in his belief.

Samuel Logan Brengle

God has become my teacher, my guide, my counsellor, my all and in all. He has allowed me to be perplexed and tempted, but it has been for my good. I have no complaint to make against him. Sometimes it has seemed that he has left me alone, but it has been as the mother who stands away from her little child to teach him how to use his own legs that he may walk. He has not suffered me to fall.