One time ‘Tip Jar’ to cover the costs of graphic creation app subscription and Webhosting fees. As I am now living on a small government pension, paying for these services out of my own pocket may no longer be feasible.
I’ve been sending the DCQ across the Internet since 1995. And at the date of this writing in October 2021, there are over 6700 quotes on site. I have no plans of stopping the DCQ from blessing people around the world. Every day I post a new quote on this website and across the web.
Mission Statement:
This website provides quality Christian quotes and sayings from various Christian writers, from ancient historical believers to present-day famous writers and speakers and everyday Christians. On-site quotes archives are organised by subject, date and by author.
History: Daily Christian Quote (DCQ) began in 1997 as a small mailing list sent to colleagues of “I Lift My Eyes Web Ministries”, now known as Katherine Walden Ministries. As time went on, recipients would contact me, asking me to resend certain quotes, asking for authors, etc. Katherine responded by creating a small section of quotes on her website. It soon became apparent the quotes needed a website of their own. The Daily Christian Quote Website became an entity in 2004.
There are three ways you can search the Daily Christian Quote Website:
1. Use the “Tags” link in the menu above to search the site by subject. We have added tags to almost every quote in our archive library to help you find quotes on specific subjects or themes.
2. Use the Daily Christian Quote Search Engine to search by an author’s name.
3. Use the Search Engine to search by keyword such as ‘hope’. This method will give you all the quotes using that word, but not all those quotes necessarily speak about the subject of hope.
Just a little explanation about the timing of the quotes within the DCQ
I place these Daily Quotes in a queue two months in advance. 95% of these quotes come from books written long before the date you are reading these quotes. As of June 2022, 5.5 years of quotes still await posting. I daily add to my library of quotes, searching out quotes that I feel are hopeful, encouraging, challenging, and hold a depth that causes us all to pause and think.
People often report that the DCQ of the day might have well been written specifically to them as an answer to prayer.
If these quotes hit home to a current situation going on in your life or your nation’s life today, that was not through an intentional act on my part. Consider it a nudge from God, letting you know that He is lovingly aware and attentive to your current situation. I honestly forget what I have placed in the queue at times, so the quotes are as fresh to me as they are to you.
The ONLY times I intentionally post a quote for a particular day is celebrating special days in our global calendar: Advent, Christmas, New Years Day, Easter, etc.
Who Hosts Daily Christian Quotes (DCQ)?
Daily Christian Quotes is hosted and run as a sub-ministry of “Katherine Walden Ministries“, an established Christian Internet presence since 1996. This ministry is not funded by any organisation. I am a retired missionary who was forced to retire from missions due to disability issues and I live on a small government pension but God is faithful,
This QR code leads you to a handy list of all of Katherine Walden’s public social media sites and websites. Wondering about the books I authored? Find them here. Am I on Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok, yes. Do you like the Daily Christian Quotes here but do you visit Facebook more often than this website? Find the Daily Christian Quote Facebook group. All graphics from 2020 onward are posted on Instagram.
Or follow these links:
Blog/Books by Katherine Walden
Daily Christian Quote Facebook Group
You will see quotes from teachers, pastors and writers from just about every stream of Christianity on the website. You will see quotes from first-century Christians and modern-day believers. You will never see quotes that tear down other denominations or slander pastors, teachers or authors. You won’t see quotes that deny the basic tenets of our faith. Quotes will never deny doctrines such as Salvation is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ. Any quote that denies the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, His physical presence and ministry on the earth, his death and His physical resurrection for the sake of the world will never be found on this site. Any quote that denies the Trinity won’t be found here either.
While I might quote a person, it does not mean I fully endorse everything they have written in the past, or they might write in the future. I post quotes from all streams of Christianity that follow the formal statement of faith in most evangelical and mainstream denominations.
I am not a Cessationist. I am a Spirit-Filled Christian who not only believes the Holy Spirit is active and moving on the earth today. I have been honoured to see evidence of His power displayed on the earth first-hand.
If you find a particular author or their denomination to be offending, then I playfully suggest that you remember Balaam heard some powerful truths from the mouth of a donkey.
What Others Are Saying
A few notes of kind encouragement from others about the web ministry’s role in their lives have been posted here.
Conditions for the use of quotes
You have permission to use the quotes archived on this website on your Facebook pages, blogs, emails and tweets under one condition. You must include the author/speaker’s name of every individual quote you wish to use on this site. It is honourable to give our brothers and sisters in Christ credit for their original thoughts and words. To not do so is considered plagiarism.
I would ask that you honour these men and women’s sacrificial gifts of prayer, intercession, quiet time, study and financial sacrifice for furthering their education so that they could share these insights. Godly wisdom is only earned through hearts that have disciplined themselves to listen to the Lord. We, as their readers and listeners, reap the harvest of their labour. Let us do so with thankfulness and the willingness to give credit where credit is due.
Unless you feel led, there is no need to mention this website in your blogs as a reference. However, you are more than welcome to point your readers to this site so they, too, can enjoy the riches.