Gayle Erwin

I can make a good argument to the Lord about how effective I can be if He would supply me with enough advance funds. It’s a little frightening to pray for TODAY’s bread. That means I must pray again for tomorrow and believe again for tomorrow. My greedy heart is willing to be corrupted by a little bit of riches so that I see my warehouse full of loaves. I can make a good argument about how God won’t have to be bothered with me every day if He would only advance me about ten years’ worth of bread.

Julia Loren

Living in that in-between state—the gap—between the unanswered prayer requests and the manifestation of provision demands that we take a big breath of His love and exhale trust, ruthless trust. The secret to living in that gap between promise and provision is understanding this: “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6). Godliness, to me, means dwelling in God’s love, close to the heart of the Father, becoming one with Him. It means steadying my anxious thoughts by choosing to trust that though I do not see His provision, He will come through.


Katherine Walden


Step back when you begin to beg God to move from a posture of panic,  Check your body posture. Are your hands clenched? Is your face scrunched up? Take a deep breath, exhale, then ask yourself the following questions. Do you believe God is a good God and your Heavenly Father? Are you praying out of fear that he isn’t listening or won’t answer you unless you prove to him how desperate you are?

If so, calm your heart, remind yourself of the truth, and pray from a place of trust that God’s care is unwavering. Rest assured, you are always heard, knowing that God cares more about your situation than you do. Pray with the sure knowledge that you are a child of God and that He knows your voice and hears your faintest whisper.

James Goll

Our prayers should be simple—there is no need to instruct the Father. This lack of complexity should be just as true for our minor personal requests as for sweeping global needs. In both cases, we are echoing the prayer of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come on earth as it is currently being manifested in heaven” (see Matt. 6:10). We do not need to tell Him how to handle everything. He is God; He knows already. We just need to present the needs to Him.

Dana Candler

The truth is that we were made to abandon ourselves, made to give all in love without compromise. Innate in our makeup is dissatisfaction with half-heartedness and a yearning to love and be loved to the uttermost. It is the highest way to live, the most pleasurable and freeing existence for the human heart. The frustration we experience in apathy and the discontent we face in partiality it’s not something within us gone awry but rather a cry lifting its voice that is holy and God-given. We were created with this groan for wholeheartedness because God himself is wholehearted.