The truths that I know best I have learned on my knees. I never know a thing well, till it is burned into my heart by prayer.
John Ortberg
The goal of prayer is to live all of my life and speak all of my words in the joyful awareness of the presence of God. Prayer becomes real when we grasp the reality and goodness of God’s constant presence with ‘the real me.’ Jesus lived his everyday life in conscious awareness of his Father.
Ed Silvoso
What if I pray and nothing happens? You may wonder. I don’t want God’s reputation damaged. What if you don’t pray? Nothing will happen! Prayer is the most tangible trace of eternity in the human heart; even atheists have prayed in moments of desperation. When you let the lost know that you are praying prayers of faith for their felt needs, you touch them at the heart level.
Vance K Jackson
Dwight L Moody
I prayed for faith, and thought that some day faith would come down and strike me like lightning. But faith did not seem to come. One day I read in the tenth chapter of Romans, “Now faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”. I had closed my Bible, and prayed for faith. I now opened my Bible, and began to study, and faith has been growing ever since.
Max Lucado
Dorothy Day
If you are rushed for time, sow time and you will reap time. Go to church and spend a quiet hour in prayer. You will have more time than ever and your work will get done. Sow time with the poor. Sit and listen to them, give them your time lavishly. You will reap time a hundredfold.
James Goll
Our prayers should be simple—there is no need to instruct the Father. This lack of complexity should be just as true for our minor personal requests as for sweeping global needs. In both cases, we are echoing the prayer of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come on earth as it is currently being manifested in heaven” (see Matt. 6:10). We do not need to tell Him how to handle everything. He is God; He knows already. We just need to present the needs to Him.
Katherine Walden
Ole Kristian O. Hallesby
When prayer is a struggle, do not worry about the prayers that you cannot pray. You yourself are a prayer to God at that moment. All that is within you cries out to Him. And he hears all the pleas that your suffering soul and body are making to Him with groanings which cannot be uttered.