Katherine Walden

God wants us to give us good things, but He also wants us to grow in our trust and to learn His ways. As such, instead of instantly giving us everything we ask for, whenever we ask for it, God encourages us to draw closer to Him. As we learn to wait, we also learn to walk in faith and learn how to be good stewards of all He has provided for us. We don’t always appreciate God’s timing, but His timing is always best, even though we may not think so at the moment. In the time of waiting, look back at the times you rejoiced when you realized a delayed response to prayer came at the exact right time. Any earlier and it would have not born the same yield of fruit.

Jean-Baptiste de la Salle

The more you abandon to God the care of all temporal things the more He will take care to provide for all your wants. But if on the contrary you try to supply all your needs Providence will allow you to continue to do just that, and then it may very well happen that even necessity will be lacking to you. For God will reprove you for your lack of faith in reliance on self.

Anne Hamilton

Jesus had to tell the Jews of His own time that Moses was not the one who supplied manna from heaven. The people had obviously raised Moses to the throne of God. And we have done similarly for others in our own time. There is only one real hero in Scripture. Only one. His name is Jesus. The rest of them are ordinary, flawed human beings—just like us. We are not called be as good as they were, we are called to be far better. The blood of Jesus is the empowerment to launch us towards achieving this impossible target.

Samuel Logan Brengle

He [God] has been with my mouth and helped me to speak of Jesus and his great salvation in a way to instruct, comfort, and save other souls. He has been light to my darkness, strength to my weakness, wisdom in my foolishness, knowledge in my ignorance. When my way has been hedged up and it seems that no way could be found out of my temptations and difficulties, he has cut a way through for me just as he opened the Red Sea for Israel. When my heart has ached, he has comforted me; when my feet had well-nigh slipped, he has helped me up; when my faith was trampled, he has encouraged me; when I have been in sore need he has supplied all my need; when I have been hungry, he has fed me; when I have thirst, he has given me living water. All glory to God! What has he not done for me? What has he not been it to me? I’ll recommend him to the world.


Dan MCollam

Because God is always good, His conditional promises are not about withholding something from us but rather about creating a position of sustained blessing for us. It does no good for God to bless us if we cannot persevere in the blessing. As a good Father, God is more interested in a life of blessing than simply a few encounters that bless. Conditions propel us into a position of sustained blessing. Conditions require alignment with a heavenly thought, value, or action.