Things Will Never Change. This toxic, dangerous thought process has the power to destroy your marriage, friendships, and career. These four words, Things Will Never Change, replace confidence with cynicism. These four words, Things Will Never Change, replace high hopes with depression and despair. These four words, Things Will Never Change, blind people to the possibility that God might have better days ahead. These four words, Things Will Never Change, are so powerful they can handcuff the hands of God. Jesus didn’t do any miracles in His hometown of Nazareth. Why? The Bible says, “because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58 NKJV).
Katherine Walden
Katherine Walden
Have you ever noticed that the world viciously attacks and slanders those who appear to be ‘too happy and too loving’, suspecting that their happiness and loving actions are all an act? And yet, the world either leaves the “terminally negative” people much to their own devices or, worse yet, it idolizes such negativity and labels it savvy, wise, and discerning.
Unfortunately, this mindset has infiltrated many churches and some ministries built their platform around labelling the happy ones as heretics.
Steve Bremmer
Scripture says that love doesn’t delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love looks for the best and wants to believe the best. It’s not hasty to embrace rumors of evil. When love hears a sad report it hopes it isn’t true, and love grieves if it learns that it really is true. It gives a person the chance to explain what they believe, hearing both sides of the story, instead of just taking someone else’s word for it.
Peter Kreeft
In an age of hope, men looked up at the night sky and saw “the heavens.” In an age of hopelessness, they call it simply “space.”
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Philosophy tries to grasp Divine Reality, it does not succeed. No one can grasp Divine Reality with the intellect. Jesus began His work, not among philosophers, but with simple fisher folk. The world has seen many learned men, and many of them it has already forgotten; but these simple men who helped Jesus Christ in His work will never be forgotten.
Francis Frangipane
We must make the choice to rejoice. Too many of us are cynics. Cynicism, contrary to popular opinion, is not a gift of the Holy Spirit. A cynic is a habitual doubter. He is nearly always negative, expecting the worst, and probing for the worst when there is nothing negative is visible on the surface. Ultimately, a cynic will always discover something that confirms their expectations. I am saying that God is good, and even when things are not good, He works them for our good. If you believe this is true, your faith in God will relieve you from a host of dark and dangerous attitudes. God is Who He says He is. Even if we don’t know all the details along the way, we trust that He is good.
David Brickner
In this cynical and suspicious world, many delight in dashing hope, extinguishing embers of expectation, drowning out any note of God’s good word of grace. But godly hope is rooted in a deep reality that enables the believer to lean hard against the winds of doubt and push back inexorably against the darkness of worldly despair.
R C Sproul
It is fashionable in some academic circles to exercise scholarly criticism of the Bible. In so doing, scholars place themselves above the Bible and seek to correct it. If indeed the Bible is the Word of God, nothing could be more arrogant. It is God who corrects us; we don’t correct Him. We do not stand over God but under Him.
Katherine Walden
While the Lord calls me to be wise and discerning, he reminds me often that his discernment cannot dwell in a cynical distrustful heart. With Him, there is no hidden agenda and no ulterior motive. His gifts are free for the taking but I cannot take these gifts if my hands are already full of my own weapons of self-protection. Therefore, He asks me to lay down the shields that I have forged for protection and pick up the shield of faith in their place. He asks me to take Him at His Word.