When you say that a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.
Edmond Clowney
Scott Hubbard
Take courage. The clouds that cover you this year may be darker than any you have yet known. They may linger long. They may seem to blot out the sun. But God knows how to take even these clouds, and through them work wonders so marvelous, so unlooked for, that they leave us on our knees in worship.
Lysa TerKeurst
Rejection has long ties pulling the pain of yesterday into the situations of today. What felt hopeless yesterday will feed a hopelessness into today unless we cut those ties.
Brian Simmons
The time before us is not one of gloom and doom; it will be instead the best and most adventurous time of our lives. The best for God’s people lies not in the past, buried in Scripture somewhere. It’s yet to come. Let’s not allow fear to defeat us. Fear destroys hope. Hopelessness leads to self-centeredness. Self-centeredness leads to powerlessness. And powerless people don’t change the world.
Jeff Andras
God calls us to have the strength to trust Him over our hopelessness and to let Him give us the strength to overcome what it is that we feel hopeless to.
Judah Smith
difficult situations and wrong choices conspire to trap us in hopelessness.
Peter Kreeft

In an age of hope, men looked up at the night sky and saw “the heavens.” In an age of hopelessness, they call it simply “space.”
Gary Chapman
Many people mess up every new day with what happened yesterday. They insist on bringing into today the failures of yesterday, and in so doing pollute a potentially wonderful day. When bitterness, resentment, and revenge are allowed to live in the human heart, words of affirmation will be impossible to speak.
Kris Vallotton
Denial is the fruit of fear, not the root of faith. True faith can evaluate the circumstances without growing hopeless because it sees the world through God’s eyes.