Author Unknown

Which is easier to make, the right choice or the wrong choice? It is as easy to make a right choice as it is to make a wrong one. The consequences, on the other hand, of a wrong choice can devastate you for life. So why not just make the right choice. Here is an interesting thing, most people know what that right choice is, they just don’t do it.

Tom Zawacki

I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is that we’re about to be tested. The good news is, I know what questions will be on the test, and I’m willing to share them with you.
Here are the 10 questions:
1. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Love.
b. Choose not to love.
2. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Forgive.
b. Choose not to forgive.
3. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Gossip.
b. Choose not to gossip.
4. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Be merciful.
b. Choose not to be merciful.
5. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Extend grace.
b. Choose not to extend grace.
6. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Embrace change.
b. Resist change.
7. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Think the best of others.
b. Think the worst of others.
8. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Trust God.
b. Choose not to trust God.
9. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Quit.
b. Choose not to quit.
10. In your current circumstances your best way forward is to:
a. Risk.
b. Choose not to Risk.

C S Lewis

You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call Him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.

Vance K Jackson

What’s in your heart? Your words spring from what’s in your heart. If your heart is contaminated, then your words will be tainted also. Try this: For every complaint, dissatisfaction find and meditate upon a scripture that counters the complaint. So speak God’s Word every time you feel negativity rising up inside of you. Before you speak negatively, censor your mouth with God’s Word. Allow God to filter your heart and He will direct your path.

Danny Silk

I choose you. This is a foundation of true lasting relationships. It is the foundation for God’s relationship with you. As Jesus declared to His disciples, you did not choose me but I chose you. Jesus chose you in the most difficult of circumstances. He chose you while you were in sin. While you were His enemy. His side of the relationship with you does not depend on your choice, but entirely upon His choice. The question is whether or not you will learn to build your relationships with Him and others, upon the foundation of your choice.

Author Unknown

Suggestions for Fasting and Feasting:
Fast from discontent; feast on thankfulness.
Fast from worry; feast on trust.
Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayers.
Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.
Fast from discouragement, feast on hope.
Fast from media hype, feast on the honesty of the Bible.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.
Fast from problems that overwhelm; feast on prayer that undergirds.

Katherine Walden

John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God believe also in me.” In seasons of uncertainty and turmoil, we are being asked to make a deliberate decision. We are being asked to not allow our hearts to be troubled. The only way I know how to do that is to spend copious amounts of time with God so I can walk through hard times from a place of peace… and that peace will impact those directly around me. It starts with me.