Ed Stetzer

At this point in history, when everyone seems to be yelling all the time, the words of people who speak rarely and with intention carry the most weight. Watch for those who recognize the power in reserving their anger for truly important causes. Often these voices are the ones pointing us in the right direction. There is an ocean of wrongness and offense on the Internet; trying to correct it all is like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble. It is impossible and not what God has called us to.

John Wesley

I will not quarrel with you about my opinion only see that your heart is right toward God; that you know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, that you love your neighbour and walk as your master walked and I desire no more. I am sick of opinions; am weary to bear them; my soul loathes this frothy food. Give me a solid and substantial religion; give me a humble, gentle lover of God and man; and men full of mercy in good faith, without partiality and without hypocrisy; a man laying himself out in the work of faith, the patience of hope, the labour of love. Let my soul be with these Christians wheresoever they are, and whatsoever opinion they are of!

Elisabeth Elliot

Speaking of the 5 missionaries, including her husband, Jim, who were martyred this day in 1956:
Each had made a personal transaction with God, recognising that he belonged to God, first of all by creation, and secondly by redemption through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. This double claim on his life settled once and for all the question of allegiance. It was not a matter of striving to follow the example of a great Teacher. To conform to the perfect life of Jesus was impossible for a human being. To these men, Jesus Christ was God, and had actually taken upon Himself human form, in order that He might die, and, by His death, provide not only escape from the punishment which their sin merited, but also a new kind of life, eternal both in length and in quality. This meant simply that Christ was to be obeyed, and more than that, that. He would provide the power to obey.

David A. Powlison

We are meant to live with God on the throne, with a wide-open heart to him and others. But a contentious, judgmental person has shrivelled up inside, shutting down to both God and neighbour. On the outside, a contentious person speaks rotten words that tear down rather than build up and condemn rather than give grace (Ephesians 4:29). On the inside, a person swept up in sinful anger has become demonic and diabolical—in the truest sense—an image-bearer of the hostile critic of God’s people (James 3:15;4:7).

Lee Strobel

January 14, 2020

Jesus’ decree to love and pray for our opponents is regarded as one of the most breathtaking and gut-wrenching challenges of his entire Sermon on the Mount, a speech renowned for its outrageous claims. There was no record of any other spiritual leader ever having articulated such a clear-cut, unambiguous command for people to express compassion to those who are actively working against their best interests.