A.W. Tozer

Because the human mind has two compartments, the practical and the ideal, people are able to live comfortably with their dreamy, romantic conception of Jesus while paying no attention whatsoever to His words. It is this neat division between the fanciful and the real that enables countless thousands of persons to say “Lord, Lord” in all sincerity while living every moment in flat defiance of His authority.


Dawna De Silva

It is important that we allow the Bible to speak to us so that when people give us counsel that contradicts truth, we will be able to instantly discern their advice as false. In a world that has become averse to absolutes, we must remember that God’s Word is truth. It is not watered down or out of fashion. We must keep it close to our hearts if we are going to engage self-discipline and be trees planted by streams of water.


Lois Tverberg

Speaking of our tendency to imitate, I find that my own mind seems remarkably malleable, impressed by whatever I read or see modeled around me. A steady diet of cynical political commentary always makes me more negative. Being with friends who gossip can make me more careless about how I speak. None of us is so mature that we cannot be influenced. The question is: Who or what do we want to shape our lives? Even the culture around us will try to ‘disciple’ us if we have not placed ourselves under the transforming influence of Jesus Christ.