The truths that I know best I have learned on my knees. I never know a thing well, till it is burned into my heart by prayer.
John Wimber
God has arranged it so that we are the only Bible that some people will ever hear. If we proclaim the message of the Cross in the power of the Spirit, Jesus will do the rest. Paul wrote, “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tables of human hearts” (2 Cor. 3:3). spiritual growth is important not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others who will be changed through the message we carry.
Kris Vallotton
Reinhard Bonkke
Teachings on faith have become like coat after coat of varnish on old master paintings, darkening their color. We have been swindled by theologies and theories from the simplicity which is in Christ. They have pushed faith out of reach, as something remote, a rare mystery granted only by the sovereign will of God. Yes, God does give faith. Faith is the gift of God. But it is God’s gift to everybody, for every child sitting at His table. “God has dealt to every man the measure of faith”. We can choose to use it or not. Ephesians 2:8 declares “Ye are saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God”. Misreading this verse some people wait for faith to come, or say “I am not a faith person, I don’t have that gift”. Faith IS the gift of God, and so is sight and hearing and every faculty. They are powers we all possess and use, and faith is a similar faculty. So, “fear not, only believe.”
Luc Niebergall
We aren’t called to renew our mind in hyped-up theories, fad doctrines, and YouTube videos; we need to renew our mind in the Word of God. Don’t miss what God could be wanting to deposit in you by focusing on the wrong thing. Stay focused. There are many voices speaking loudly right now. Make sure you are tuning your ears to hear the voice of the Father.
Arthur Tappan (A. T.) Pierson
The Bible is the greatest traveller in the world. It penetrates to every country, civilized and uncivilized. It is seen in the royal palace and the humble cottage. It is the friend of Emperors and beggars. It is read by the light of the dim candle amid Artic snows. It is read under the glare of the equatorial sun. It is read in city and country, amid the crowds and solitude. Wherever its’ message is received, it frees the mind from bondage and fills the heart with gladness.
Lysa TerKeurst
Over time, the more we read and study the Bible, the more we will learn and grow. God created our minds for logical comprehension and spiritual discernment through the power of the Holy Spirit. But even when we don’t immediately understand what we are reading, we can rest assured that just the taking in of God’s Word for ourselves will nourish deep places. We don’t have to understand all the inner workings of our stomach for our body to be nourished by physical food; spiritual food is much the same.
Jake Kaill
Scripture is never meant to be used as a means to control or manipulate another person. Consider this: when the Word of God gets separated from the heart of God and the Spirit of God, it is no longer the Word of God, and you are not obligated to obey it. “The letter kills but the Spirit gives life” (2 Corinthians 3:6). Jesus showed that we don’t have to obey a Scripture when it is quoted to us by the devil. We must learn to discern the spirit behind the words, not just the content of the words. Rejecting spiritual abuse is not disobeying God; it is resisting the devil!
Bethany Hicks
No person should trust their feelings above what they know is right or wrong, and they should never be chosen over what the word of God says or what the character and nature of God reveal. However, neither should we deny or suppress our feelings. Our feelings are one of our God-given receptors that can reveal His voice and heart.