Steven Furtick


When you can’t change your circumstances, change your concentration. Peter walked on water until his concentration broke (Matthew 14:22-33). Once he took his eyes off Jesus and saw the wind and the waves, he began to sink. Likewise, if you concentrate on your circumstances, your soul will sink. But if you can concentrate on the Creator, fixing your eyes on Jesus and all that you have to be grateful for, you can rise above any situation.

Vance K Jackson

Storms did not bother Christ. In fact, Christ had dominion and authority over the wind and waves. The wind and waves were no competition for Christ. As they vehemently crashed upon the disciples’ boat — Jesus was walking on water. Notice that in the same environment that the disciples were struggling in — Jesus was thriving. Christ wants you to thrive in the midst of the storm. Don’t let the wind and waves of the world serve as distraction.