Priscilla Shirer

If I were your enemy, I’d constantly remind you of your past mistakes and poor choices. I’d want to keep you burdened by shame and guilt, in hopes that you’ll feel incapacitated by your many failings and see no point in even trying again. I’d work to convince you that you’ve had your chance and blown it—that your God may be able to forgive some people for some things, but not you… not for this.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Bible, the gospel, Christ, the church, the faith—all are one great battle cry against fear in the lives of human beings. Fear is, somehow or other, the archen­emy itself. It crouches in people’s hearts. It hollows out their insides, until their resistance and strength are spent and they suddenly break down. Fear secretly gnaws and eats away at all the ties that bind a person to God and to others, and when in a time of need that person reaches for those ties and clings to them, they break and the individual sinks back into himself or herself, helpless and despairing, while hell rejoices

Francis A Schaeffer

The Bible is the weapon that enables us to join with our Lord on the offensive in defeating the spiritual hosts of wickedness. But it must be the Bible as the Word of God in everything it teaches- in matters of salvation, but just as much where it speaks of history and science and morality. If we compromise in any of these areas…we destroy the power of the Word and ourselves in the hands of the enemy.

Jim Cymbala

If you are paralyzed by your past, if Satan is destroying your gifts and your calling by his incessant replaying of old tapes, you’re actually being hit by a double whammy. The original damage in the past is one thing – but now you’re letting yourself be hurt and sidetracked again by the memory of what happened… We should not be ignorant of Satan’s devices, and these ugly memories are one of the main weapons in his arsenal.

Sheila Walsh

Sometimes we act as though God is obligated to make all our dreams come true and give a happy ending to every earthbound tale. We use verbiage like ‘God is head over heels in love with you!’ so much that we forget we live in a war zone, where live ammunition flies through the air and casualties still happen. And when we’re one of the casualties, the feelings that flood in cause us to either doubt ourselves and whether we heard God correctly (since if we had, wouldn’t we be out of prison?), or we doubt the goodness, love, or even the very existence of God Himself.

Jim Anderson

If you want to fight hell and the power of darkness that seek to destroy the hearts of our daughters, I know a type of spiritual warfare that creates value in a daughter’s spirit. It is called “Taking your Daughter out for tea” or “Going to Her Soccer Game”, and it works in direct opposition to the agenda of hell and darkness that wants to destroy their lives.