Samuel Logan Brengle

He [God] has been with my mouth and helped me to speak of Jesus and his great salvation in a way to instruct, comfort, and save other souls. He has been light to my darkness, strength to my weakness, wisdom in my foolishness, knowledge in my ignorance. When my way has been hedged up and it seems that no way could be found out of my temptations and difficulties, he has cut a way through for me just as he opened the Red Sea for Israel. When my heart has ached, he has comforted me; when my feet had well-nigh slipped, he has helped me up; when my faith was trampled, he has encouraged me; when I have been in sore need he has supplied all my need; when I have been hungry, he has fed me; when I have thirst, he has given me living water. All glory to God! What has he not done for me? What has he not been it to me? I’ll recommend him to the world.


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