Floyd McClung

February 3, 2020

By trying to please people and live up to their expectations, we can easily fall into a false form of spirituality. We find ourselves praying, reading Scripture, and worshipping not from the heart but from a secret motive to impress others. We become more interested in how we look to others than how we look to God. The more insecure we are, the more susceptible we become to the opinions of others. Humility frees us from this form of pride, allowing us to live to please the Lord.

John Chrysostom

January 10, 2020

To me, it is nothing when I am applauded and well-spoken of. There is only one thing I ask of you-to prove your approval of me through your works. That is how you can speak well of me, and that is what is going to do you good. This, to me, is the greatest honour. I prefer it to a material crown. I do not desire applause and being well spoken of. I have one request to make-for you to listen to me in quiet attentiveness and to put my advice into practice. This is not a theatre. You don’t sit here in order to admire actors and to applaud them. This is a place where you must learn the things of God.

Not Always All Together – Katherine’s Newest Book

Daily Christian Quote resides under the umbrella of Katherine Walden Ministries and is pleased to announce the official book launch of Katherine’s latest book, “Not Always altogether.”

What the trailer below and find more details on the official “Not Always All Together Official Page”

Are Christians really supposed to be the ones who’ve got it all together all the time? If the title of my book, “Not Always All Together“, is any indication, I certainly don’t believe so.

Some people believe that most Christians enjoy lives that radiate continuous health, wealth, and happiness while living in perfect harmony within the Body of Christ. No one messes up, no one has any doubts, and no one ever gets hurt. Except them. Really?

Katherine Walden's latest book, Not Always All Together, dismantles myths, preconceptions and misconceptions many people hold about doing family with the Body of Christ.

As you journey through this sometimes touching, sometimes challenging, always encouraging thirty-one-day devotional, you’ll discover the many preconceptions and outright lies many Christians buy into while doing life within the Body of Christ. Rich with stories from my Christian walk, Not Always All Together offers you the opportunity to set aside some of those misconceptions and embrace the truth by applying practical applications provided at the end of each chapter.

Additional bonus content may be found on Youtube as I have recorded 31 videos, one for each chapter of the book. You’ll find more stories, insights, and wisdom in these short video clips! If you are here for a sneak peek, please note the entire library of videos won’t be made public all at once. I will be releasing them throughout Mid-August to Mid-September 2017.

Katherine Walden

Leaders and Pastor: If your church is full of people who look like you, talk like you, and think like you, then you have failed to lead people to Christ. Your goal should never be to create a church full of ‘mini-me’s who think like you, dress like you, talk like you, and who agree with every doctrinal point you make. Your goal is to lead them to Christ and to allow His empowering grace to fashion each individual into a believer who can think for themselves, pull out Biblical truths for themselves, and who can rightly discern God’s will and direction for their lives. There should never be a spoken or unspoken threat to ‘tow the company line or else’ policy in your church structure.