What happens when you’ve prayed long and hard for something, but you don’t get the answer you wanted? You asked God, and you felt sure that he wanted it for you too. Yet you didn’t land that job, your kids didn’t return to church, your abilities are diminished, and the relationship you’ve been working on hasn’t been reconciled. In situations like these, we can often feel hurt, confused, disappointed, and even abandoned. But Scripture promises that God does not withhold any good thing from those who love him (Psalm 84:11). If you are walking through pain, heartache, setbacks, and disappointment, I want to encourage you with these truths today: God is good. God does good. God works all things together for good. God loves you. God is for you. You can trust his heart, even when you can’t trace his hand.
Francis Frangipane
Satan will stop your destiny if you accept the power of disappointment into your life. Disappointment cuts us off from our vision, and without a vision people perish. Therefore, let me ask you: Are you carrying disappointment in your heart? Renounce it. Forgive those who have let you down. Have you personally or morally failed? Repent deeply and return to your Redeemer.
Francis Frangipane
I have known many who were doing well, moving toward their destiny. The future God had for them seemed close enough to taste. Then they became disappointed in someone or something. By accepting a demonically manipulated disappointment into their spirits, and letting that event germinate and grow into a disappointment with God, a bitter cold winter overtook their souls and their destiny went dormant.
Rob Coscia
John Eldredge
Morgan Harper Nichols
When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that got you here. They are not accidents, and those moments weren’t in vain. You are not the same, you have grown and you are growing. You are breathing, you are living. You are wrapped in endless boundless grace. And things will get better. There is more to you than yesterday.
Francis A. Schaeffer
You must not lose confidence in God because you lost confidence in your pastor. If our confidence in God had to depend upon our confidence in any human person, we would be on shifting sand.
Katherine Walden
April 11, 2020
Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
This Easter Saturday, reflect on the dashed dreams and hopes of the disciples as they awoke the morning after Jesus’ death. Peter’s heart was crushed, for he denied the One he loved most. John tried to console an inconsolable Mary as he held the mother of the one who died a seemingly shame-filled, gruesome death. Other disciples cringed as they remembered their desperate dash into the night, abandoning Jesus. Others dealt with the death of their revolutionary dreams; Jesus wasn’t going to take the physical throne of Jerusalem, ousting their oppressors once and for all. Yes, it was a dark time for the disciples. However, It is only in the darkest of nights that the stars shine their brightest. Joy comes in the morning.
Steve Backlund
January 15, 2020
When we fail or have experiences that do not line up with the promises of God… we have a choice. Do we keep our identity (and God’s identity) in His promises, or do we use experience to empower a negative identity for us and for God? We must remember that negative strongholds are created and strengthened when we put our experiences above God’s Word.
K P Yohannan
When you are faced with disappointments and when all around you seems hopeless, do not give up or try to solve the problem yourself. Satan tries to use these disappointments to discourage you and bring you down, but God can use them for a better purpose. Go to Christ instead. He is able to lead you out of your discouragement. And if you focus on Him, He will use times of trials in your life to bring you closer to Him. You need only to look to Him. He is willing. Make your choice.