Jason Vallotton

The Lord uses adversity in our lives for His purposes. He doesn’t always deliver us from resistance, because His first concern is not our comfort. God wants us to become like Him—perfect, not lacking anything. Like the farmer, if we skip the process of breaking the hard ground and tilling the soil, the seed that we scatter will not take root but will wither and die under the scorching sun.

Peter of Damaskos

Endurance is like an unshakeable rock in the winds and waves of life. However the tempest batters him, the patient man remains steadfast and does not turn back; and when he finds relief and joy, he is not carried away by self-glory: he is always the same, whether things are hard or easy, and for this reason, he is proof against the snares of the enemy.

John Stam

Shall we retreat and turn back from our high calling in Christ Jesus; or dare we advance at God’s command in face of the impossible?…Let us remind ourselves that the Great Commission was never qualified by clauses calling for advance only if funds were plentiful and no hardship or self-denial involved. On the contrary, we are told to expect tribulation and even persecution, but with it victory in Christ.

Dr. Larry M. Groves

With regard to patience the Lord says, ‘You will gain possession of your souls through your patient endurance’ (Luke 21:19). He did not say ‘through your fasting’ or ‘through your vigils’. I refer to the patience bestowed by God, which is the queen of virtues, the foundation of courageous actions. It is patience that is peace amid strife, serenity amid distress, and a steadfast base for those who acquire it. Once you have attained it with the help of Christ Jesus, no swords and spears, no attacking armies, not even the ranks of demonpeace amid strife, serenity amid distress, and a steadfast base for those who acquire it. Once you have attained it with the help of Christ Jesus, no swords and spears, no attacking armies, not even the ranks of demon evil report in adversity as well as in prosperity;
L. who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning, and hardheartedness are the best qualities for winning success;
M. who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;
N. who can say “no” with emphasis, although all the rest of the world says “yes.”


With regard to patience the Lord says, `You will gain possession of your
souls through your patient endurance’ (Lk. 21:19). He did not say `through
your fasting’ or `through your vigils.’ I refer to the patience bestowed by
God, which is the queen of virtues, the foundation of courageous actions.
It is patience that is peace amid strife, serenity mid distress, and a
steadfast base for those who acquire it. Once you have attained it with the
help of Christ Jesus, no swords and spears, no attacking armies, not even
the ranks of demons, the dark phalanx hostile powers, will be able to do
you any harm.

John Baillie

Teach me. O God, to use all the circumstances of my life to-day that they may bring forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin. Let me use disappointment as material for patience: Let me use success as material for thankfulness: Let me use suspence as material for perseverance: Let me use danger as material for courage: Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering: Let me use praise as material for humility: Let me use pleasures as material for temperance: Let me use pains as material for endurance.

A. B. Simpson

Oh, for the baptism of fire! Oh, for the living coal upon the burning lips of love! 0h, for men and women God-possessed and self-surrendered, grasping God’s great idea and pressing forward toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).