Francis Frangipane

It is easy to find fault, to despair at all that is wrong in the world or the church, and do nothing. The fact is all people are flawed, all churches have issues and entire cities, even nations, can backslide. The goal for us is not whether we can see what is wrong – that’s important, but it’s not the goal. Our objective is to look squarely in the face of what is wrong and persevere in love and prayer until that which is wrong is redeemed and made right.

Joyce Meyer

The Bible says that faith is a shield (Eph. 6:16). So when the enemy starts to fire off darts of fear and insecurity, you can get behind your shield of faith and keep going forward with God. But here’s the thing: A shield won’t do you any good unless it’s lifted up. You need to raise up your shield by praying, saying and doing things that line up with God’s Word.