Joseph Garlington

In the beginning of a process working toward the tipping point, gravity is working against you. As you continue to work toward the tipping point, what was working against you is now working for you. Imagine several people seeking to flip over an automobile. As they begin to lift, gravity works against them, but they expect it! But they press through the resistance knowing IF they continue, they’ll push pass the window of resistance to the tipping point, where the momentum is now unstoppable! The key is not to quit at the point where gravity is working against you, knowing that there is a point where that same force is now working for you! One of my favorite verses for this is 1 Corinthians 16:9 “…A wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” Opportunity and Opposition are partners. They are the two tracks the train runs on. They are constants, you need both to get you where you’re going.

Blake Perez

Jesus said in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” We shouldn’t be murmuring and we shouldn’t be complaining in the midst of this hour. The only attitude we should have, Jesus says, is one of good cheer.

Levi Lusko

When you’re a Christian and you’re going through a great time of difficulty, you will notice that those around you who don’t know Jesus Christ—especially those you’ve shared your faith with before—will lean in extra close. Their ears perk up. They want to see if what you have advertised is going to prove true in the product demonstration. You told them that Jesus is the light of your world. Well, now your power has been cut, and they want to see if you can glow in the dark. You.

Cindy Butrow

There is a company of believers, and the number is growing, who have been stripped down to nothing. And in this place have found everything. Everything that is pure, authentic, and raw. Where the shiny lights of ministry and showmanship have lost their flavor and become a clanging symbol in the midst of a world in pain, that are hungry and thirsty for authenticity. For love. Out of the ashes, we are rising, not shiny, but beautiful as ever. There is a move of God coming up from the dust of life, leading us all into the arms of the Father, and teaching us how to lead on in His love. For such a time as this.