Robert Morris

Sadly, I have seen many people who claim to represent Jesus, but in actuality, they’re misrepresenting Him. Some do it out of misguided religious zeal. Some do it purely out of ignorance; they mean well but are uninformed about who God really is. Others misrepresent Him out of heretical and dangerous theology. Whatever the reason, the fact remains: there are and will always be poor representations of Jesus in this world. The truth is, we need to see Him differently so we can represent Him accurately. Jesus doesn’t need to change anything; we do. He doesn’t need to become “more” good; He already is good.


Jerry Bryant

Imagine what the world would be like, if everyone who called themselves a Christian, would really love each other with the love of Jesus. There would be no gossip, judgment or criticism. No exclusive attitudes that made others feel rejected. The needs of people all around us, would be met. His love was more than kind deeds and concern. The love of Jesus was unbiased and generous. He was a servant. We’re able to love one another, when we realise how much He loves us. We’re able to love one another the way He did.

Billy Graham

The evangelistic harvest is always urgent. The destiny of men and of nations is always being decided. Every generation is crucial; every generation is strategic. But we cannot be held responsible for the past generation and we cannot bear full responsibility for the next one. However, we do have our generation! God will hold us responsible at the judgment seat of Christ for how well we fulfilled our responsibilities and took advantage of our opportunities.

John M Perkins

God has always wanted the vulnerable in society to be cared for. He never intended for them to languish in poverty, abuse, slavery, homelessness, or other types of devastation. When we care for individuals who are trapped in these ways, when we show them love and help them move toward freedom and wholeness, we participate in bringing a little part of God’s Kingdom back into alignment with His greater plan. We do justice and God smiles.

Christine Caine

Tag, we’re it. The baton of faith is in our hands. There’s no point waiting for the cavalry, we are ‘it.’ God has plucked us out of eternity, positioned us in time and commissioned us to share the good news of the Gospel to our generation. Most of us think that someone else can do it better than us. Someone else is more qualified than us. Someone else is more educated than us. Someone else is more charismatic than us. Someone else is more gifted than us. SURELY God wants to use someone else. Anyone else but me? The truth is God called you. God chose you. God sent you. And me.

Joseph Cotten

There is something uniquely powerful about someone who spends their life in relative obscurity, staying true to Scripture, quietly obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit, remaining true to their marriage vows, not cheating on their taxes, growing in love and character. Along the way leading people to Jesus and holding fast to the belief that healing, signs, and wonders will confirm the preaching of the Gospel. Not seeking a platform, not hungry for fame or glory, but passionate to glorify the One and see the lost awakened to who He is. This is the life to which you and I are called. This is what the earth needs in the coming season.