Elizabeth Fabiani

When we choose to forgive the victory is attainable. When bad things happen, good CAN come out of it! Romans 8:28 declares it is so! My life declares it is so and I am not alone in that statement. So many people have looked evil in the face and said, “I will find good in this.” Sometimes the evil and bad things are changed or converted or whatever and sometimes it is us that is changed. But ALL things work for good and can bring about change for the good.

Ed Stetzer

God has supernaturally guided his church for two thousand years. He has overcome every obstacle as if it were nothing, raised up courageous believers to accomplish tasks others thought impossible, and protected his church and Word from every means of attack. Nothing in history has surprised him or come close to overwhelming his power to uphold us.

Samuel Logan Brengle

Some objector says, “I don’t believe that we can be holy till the hour of death. The Christian life is a warfare, and we must fight the good fight of faith until we die, and then I believe God will give us a dying grace.” A great many honest Christians told exactly this view and hence put forth no real effort to stand perfect and complete and all the (present) will of God. (Colossians 4:12) for them. And so they pray daily, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven,” Matthew 6:10 yet they do not believe it is possible for them to do the will of God, and so they really make Jesus the author of a vain prayer which is only idle mockery to repeat.

Author Unknown

Prayer has divided seas, rolled up flowing rivers, made flinty rocks gush into fountains, quenched flames of fire, muzzled lions, disarmed vipers and poisons, marshaled the stars against the wicked, stopped the course of the moon, arrested the rapid sun in its great race, burst open iron gates, conquered the strongest devils, commanded legions of angels down from heaven. Prayer has bridled and changed the raging passions of man, and routed and destroyed vast armies of proud, daring atheists. Prayer has brought one man from the bottom of the sea, and carried another in a chariot of fire to heaven; what has prayer not done!