Ed Silvoso

I… began to feel for nations what I already felt for sinners deformed and scarred by the work of the devil and sin. No matter how bad and ugly people look, I always believed that because Jesus paid the price, salvation was always an option for them. I now realize that the same precious blood that paid the price for sinners has also paid it for nations, and that nothing is beyond His reach. Understanding and embracing the commission to disciple nations is an issue of the heart.

Frederick Buechner

It is impossible to conceive how different things would have turned out if that birth had not happened whenever, wherever, however it did … for millions of people who have lived since, the birth of Jesus made possible not just a new way of understanding life but a new way of living it. It is a truth that, for twenty centuries, there have been untold numbers of men and women who, in untold numbers of ways, have been so grasped by the child who was born, so caught up in the message he taught and the life he lived, that they have found themselves profoundly changed by their relationship with him.

Sam Storms

Grace does not demonize our desires nor destroy them nor lead us to deny them. Grace is the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming our desires so that knowing Jesus becomes sweeter than illicit sex, sweeter than money and what it can buy, sweeter than every fruitless joy. Grace is God satisfying our souls with His Son so that we’re ruined for anything else!