Ed Stetzer

We are… presented with a door that leads into a country that is not our own, a foreign land hostile to our message, our mission, and our King. Yet it also longs for the very thing Jesus provides. So we walk out the door and into the world, armed with the gospel of grace and strengthened through fervent prayer to God’s Spirit, who gives us compassion, and through God’s church, which gives us community.

R Terry

If your reputation is perfectly intact on every front, if you never irritate anyone, if you never make a stir, you might be doing something wrong – or more likely, you’re not doing something right. “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for in the same way their fathers used to treat the false prophets” (Luke 6:26). The Bible has a crystal clear promise: All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12). If we never experience persecution, if we never make a single soul angry (as Christ often did), something is probably wrong.

Margot Starbuck

The one Jesus calls us to love is the one who is other than we are. The reason Jesus’ words are so wildly relevant today, is because He was calling His first-century listeners to love the ones who were really hard to love. In Luke’s record of Jesus’ sermon, Jesus challenges His listeners to love those who hated them (Luke 6:27), those who cursed them (8:28), those who mistreated them (Luke 6:28), those who slapped them (Luke 6:29), those who stole from them (Luke 6:19), and those who asked something of them (Luke 6:30).