Rob Coscia

When present circumstances trigger old ways of coping—with anger, fear, or hopelessness, take a step back. Give Jesus some room to remind you how much he loves you, who you really are, and that you’re more than able to deal with everything in front of you peacefully, joyfully, and powerfully.
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, and a new life has truly begun” (2 Cor. 5:17).

Jack Frost

My spirit is God’s home. His unconditional love dwells in me. I have already received all of God’s love that I am ever going to receive. God’s grace and mercy live at home in me. The fruit of the Spirit is at home in me. The power of God that created the universe lives inside me. His Spirit now lives in my spirit, and in Him there is no darkness at all. His love thinks no evil, and that love is resident in my spirit. Think about it; how can anything I do improve on that!

Bianca R Davis

When you begin to understand that WHERE you are right now doesn’t define WHO you are, or WHOSE you are, you’ll understand that each moment in your life is a stepping stone that will lead you to your destiny. Everything that happens in your life is a blessing and a lesson. It may not seem like a blessing at the moment, but when you progress in life and you look back at where you were, you will see God’s hand lead you right to the place you needed.