When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety will change the future.
When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety will change the future.
The voices of shame and rejection can come at us, but they don’t have to reside in us. God says we are loved. God says we are chosen. God says we’re forever His. And His is the voice we must choose to believe.
God is big enough and loves me enough to say He forgives me. I should actually believe Him. I mean, I shouldn’t keep feeling bad about all of the times I’ve messed up because that’s ignoring what God said. When I don’t trust God’s forgiveness, it’s kind of like saying I really don’t believe He’s that good.
My sin is a stark reminder of my need for a Savior. If I let the weight of my sin pile on me, I wouldn’t be able to move. Repentance is necessary but often, I let the voice of guilt and shame win and when they win, I stay stuck in unworthiness instead of letting Jesus heal, redeem and renew.No matter what kind of week you’ve had, no matter what bad choices you’ve made, no matter how much money may or may not be in your bank account, if you missed that payment, or maybe gained a few unwanted pounds, cheated, lied, yelled, stolen – remember that we have every right to run to the One who loves us, sees us and knows us intimately. Repentance is needed. Redemption is inevitable. Running boldly to His throne today. What about you?
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
It is above all a good conscience which makes the bread tasty because it is eaten in justice.
Repentance is the biblical, correct response to guilt. The moment we committed our life to Christ, our sins-past, present, and future-were forgiven. God’s righteousness was satisfied. But now we must maintain fellowship with, dependence on, and obedience to God. This necessitates confessing our sins to our Lord as we become aware of them. C. S. Lewis said true guilt is an inner alarm system that reveals sin in our lives and shows our loss of fellowship with God. The Holy Spirit uses guilt to prompt us to turn from our sin and back to the Lord.
Conscience is God’s built-in warning system. Be very happy when it hurts you. Be very worried when it doesn’t.
Conscience comes to us in lonely hours; it wakens us in the night; it stands at the side of the bed and says, Come, wake up and listen to me! And there it holds us with its remorseless eye; and our buried sins rise out of the grave of the past; they march by in melancholy procession; and we lie in terror looking at them. Nobody knows but ourselves. Next morning we go forth to business with a smiling face; but conscience has had its revenge.