Katherine Walden

I see much of social media and populist news outlets to be nothing more than cyber coliseums, where people flock to watch as others are first reduced to caricatures of their real selves, then are torn to shreds. It grieves me to no end that self-proclaimed Christians sit in the stands, cheering just as lustily as the rest of those who gobble up the sensationalized and misrepresented spew that so-called news outlets pour out on a daily basis. I choose to pray and to not look on such tragedies as fodder for idle conversation.

Graham Cooke

Father, I’m weary of being misunderstood. I’m tired of the ungracious scrutiny of others. Hide me, dear Lord, in the secret place of Your presence. Keep me from people who speak about me, but not to me. I am helpless against the riptide of their words. I cannot defend myself. Refresh my heart to look on them with love. I accept this part of Your cross. Change my heart to speak with Your love and sculpt my life through these situations. Let their hard words chiel away my roughness, forming Christ.

John Paul Jackson

Pastors and leaders must recognize, and then relinquish, any methods of control and manipulation they exercise. They must cease to gossip against fellow pastors and other believers, to talk disrespectfully about other ministries, or to reveal personal tidbits shared in confidence with them. Pastors who have privileged information, are sometimes the worst offenders of gossip. They must refrain from talebearing, before the wineskin tears.

Steve Bremmer

Scripture says that love doesn’t delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love looks for the best and wants to believe the best. It’s not hasty to embrace rumors of evil. When love hears a sad report it hopes it isn’t true, and love grieves if it learns that it really is true. It gives a person the chance to explain what they believe, hearing both sides of the story, instead of just taking someone else’s word for it.

Not Always All Together – Katherine’s Newest Book

Daily Christian Quote resides under the umbrella of Katherine Walden Ministries and is pleased to announce the official book launch of Katherine’s latest book, “Not Always altogether.”

What the trailer below and find more details on the official “Not Always All Together Official Page”

Are Christians really supposed to be the ones who’ve got it all together all the time? If the title of my book, “Not Always All Together“, is any indication, I certainly don’t believe so.

Some people believe that most Christians enjoy lives that radiate continuous health, wealth, and happiness while living in perfect harmony within the Body of Christ. No one messes up, no one has any doubts, and no one ever gets hurt. Except them. Really?

Katherine Walden's latest book, Not Always All Together, dismantles myths, preconceptions and misconceptions many people hold about doing family with the Body of Christ.

As you journey through this sometimes touching, sometimes challenging, always encouraging thirty-one-day devotional, you’ll discover the many preconceptions and outright lies many Christians buy into while doing life within the Body of Christ. Rich with stories from my Christian walk, Not Always All Together offers you the opportunity to set aside some of those misconceptions and embrace the truth by applying practical applications provided at the end of each chapter.

Additional bonus content may be found on Youtube as I have recorded 31 videos, one for each chapter of the book. You’ll find more stories, insights, and wisdom in these short video clips! If you are here for a sneak peek, please note the entire library of videos won’t be made public all at once. I will be releasing them throughout Mid-August to Mid-September 2017.

Jerry Bridges

One of the most difficult defilements of the spirit to deal with is the critical spirit. A critical spirit has its root in pride. Because of the ‘plank’ of pride in our own eye, we are not capable of dealing with the ‘speck’ of need in someone else. We are often like the Pharisee who, completely unconscious of his own need, prayed “God, I thank you that I am not like other men” (Luke 18:11). We are quick to see – and to speak of – the faults of others, but slow to see our own needs. How sweetly we relish the opportunity to speak critically of someone else – even when we are unsure of the facts. We forget that “A man who stirs up dissension among brothers” by criticising one to another is one of the “six things which the Lord hates” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Robert Leighton

The cure of an evil tongue must be done at the heart. The weights and wheels are there, and the clock strikes according to their motion. A guileful heart makes a guileful tongue and lips. It is the work-house where is the forge of deceits and slanders; and the tongue is only the outer shop where they are vended, and the door of it. Such ware as is made within, such, and no other, can come out.