Do not be timid or shrink back when you are surrounded by your giants, but see your giants as opportunities for God’s power and might to win your battles.
R. T. Kendall
What is outside your comfort zone today maybe at the very centre of your comfort zone tomorrow. This is because once you open become used to the scariness of your new place, being outside your comfort zone begins to seem like home. Before long, you may have to move yet again and go to the unknown, like Abraham went out but did not know where he was going.
John G. Lake
That is the resurrection life, you have to die to get it. You have to die to enter there, we die to our sin, we die to ourselves, we die to the opinions of man. And we die to the old world, we die to fear of spooks and demons and devils, and prove the truth of the text. Greater is He that is in you, Then he that is in the world.
A. B. Simpson
Fear is born of Satan, and if we would only take time to think a moment we would see that everything Satan says is founded upon a falsehood. He is the father of lies. Even his fears are falsehoods and his terrors ought to serve as encouragements. When Satan tells you, therefore, that some ill is going to come, you may quietly look in his face and tell him he is a liar. Instead of ill, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. And then turn to your blessed Lord and say, What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee (Psalm 56:3). Every fear is distrust, and trust is the remedy for fear.
Vaneetha Risner
I have something far better than a reassurance that my dreaded “what ifs” won’t happen. I have the assurance that even if they do happen, he will be there in the midst of them. He will carry me. He will comfort me. He will tenderly care for me. God doesn’t promise us a trouble-free life. But he does promise that he will be there in the midst of our sorrows.
Steven Furtick
We don’t get stronger in faith by avoiding our fears. What’s true about our physical bodies is also true about our spirits: the only way to get stronger is to work out. And we only overcome the paralysis of fear as we take our next step in faith. We initiate the conversation; we make the contribution; we show up for the meeting; we obey God in the small thing. And the momentum of each step pushes against the force field of fear, weakening its power to control us.
Julia Loren
Walk up to face your fear full on and consign even that possible outcome to the care of your loving God. Surrender to the possibility of what you fear the most. Surrender as an act of ruthless trust, knowing that God’s love will ultimately be enough to cover you. Relinquishment is the act that says, “I trust You, Jesus. And I trust that whatever You allow to happen to me or to the one I am praying for, Your love will keep us all close to Your heartbeat for now and through eternity.”
Seth Dahl
Twelve spies left the wilderness to go inspect the promised land God was giving them.
Ten came back focused on the giants.
Two came back focused on the promise.
Ten died in the wilderness and they only saw the promised land from a spy’s point of view.
Two not only entered it, but helped lead the nation into it.
We are all spies.
We are all looking at a land God is giving us.
We all would love to enter it and live there.
What we focus on will determine what happens.
So…what are you focused on?
What type of spy are you?
Chris Cruz
I realized fear is uncertainty in the nature of God. It’s our Father’s good pleasure to take care of his children… when we lack confidence in who God is, we lack the confidence to overcome fear. The courage to follow God’s invitation, and to trust in his nature, will always feel like a sacrifice at first. The apostle Paul actually tells the Corinthian church, “We who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be made manifested in our mortal flesh. So, death works in us, but life in you,” 2 Corinthians 4:10–12.) NASB He’s telling them there are parts of Christ that will never be formed an ass unless we are willing to sacrifice.
Hayley Braun
Faith and fear are both beliefs in the unseen. Faith is belief in an ever-advancing Kingdom of a good God who seeks to save, restore, and resurrect beauty and wholeness. Fear is an overinflated belief in the power of an enemy that wants to steal, kill, and destroy.