Sadhu Sundar Singh

A fish which has been caught in a net can see a certain distance before it; it can even move about a little, but it is still a prisoner…If it tries to work its way out, it realises still more painfully that it is a prisoner. My studies broadened my mind, but in spite of everything I discovered that I was caught in the net of sin.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

So often we are in danger of abusing the Scriptures…We use them as mere phrases in that manner, or lightheartedly we sing our hymns, and we feel better for the time being. But the question is, How do we stand up to temptations when we are in the street outside, and what are we like at home? When you turn Scripture into a drug, into something which gives you a temporary relief without your knowing why or how, the effect does not last. It gives a temporary feeling of exhilaration, but fails you when you are in the struggle and in the heat of the battle.

James Stalker

Many a man’s intellect, when he is alone, is slow in its movements and far from fertile in the production of ideas. But, when it meets with another mind and clashes with it in conversation, it is transformed: it becomes agile and audacious, it burns and coruscates, and brings forth ideas out of its resources which are a surprise even to itself.