Christine Caine

We all have our moments when we falter, fumble, or fail. I definitely have. But the good news is that our failures are not final. Our ideas of "failing" or "succeeding" are often built on false assumptions about the ultimate goal of our Christian race. The goal is actually not so much about what we accomplish for God, but that we are in the process of becoming more like him. While we are not perfect (only Jesus is perfect!), we persevere through failure. And we are called to press on — building our humility and reliance on him.

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Marta Matejkowska

The sooner you let go of what they did, the quicker you can embrace what God is doing.

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Jen Hatmaker

Jesus is a redeemer, a restorer in every way. His day on the cross looked like a colossal failure, but it was His finest moment. He launched a kingdom where the least will be the greatest and the last will be the first, where the poor will be comforted, and the meek will inherit the earth. Jesus brought together the homeless with the privileged and said, “You’re all poor, and you’re all beautiful.” The cross levelled the playing field, and no earthly distinction is valid anymore. There is a new “us”-people rescued by the Passover lamb, adopted into the family and transformed into saints. It is the most epic miracle in history.

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Ken Nair

I'm convinced that the concept of oneness in marriage involves this principle: two halves fused together, making one. They are unable to properly function separately. Each requires the other for success. I do not make any decisions without letting me know what I’m thinking. Therefore, since my wife is ‘me,’ I’m not going to make decisions without letting ‘me’ know what is going on in ‘my’ thinking!"

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Vance Havner

When you make alliance with the Almighty, giants look like grasshoppers.

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Charles R Swindoll

Attorneys, doctors, counselors, physical therapists, dentists, fellow ministers, nurses, teachers, disciple-makers, parents . . . hear ye, hear ye! Fragile and fearful are the feelings of most who seek our help. Like tiny feathers, easily blown away in haste, they need to sense we are there to help because we care about them... not just because it's our job. Truth and tact make great bedfellows.

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Katherine Walden

We all know children need unconditional love right when they are most unlovable. Unconditional love loves enough to extend discipline and counsel, but it never lashes out in rage. We are God's children, and His love is unconditional.

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Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Ah! the bridge of grace will bear your weight, brother. Thousands of big sinners have gone across that bridge, yea, tens of thousands have gone over it. I can hear their trampings now as they traverse the great arches of the bridge of salvation. They come by their thousands, by their myriads; e'er since the day when Christ first entered into His glory, they come, and yet never a stone has sprung in that mighty bridge. Some have been the chief of sinners, and some have come at the very last of their days, but the arch has never yielded beneath their weight. I will go with them trusting to the same support; it will bear me over as it has borne them.

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Garris Elkins

Discerning the difference between someone who promotes the commodity of fear for self-gain or someone who is speaking a warning of Heaven is an important distinction to make. The latter helps us know how to live our lives and relate to the unfolding dynamics taking place within a culture in peril. These concerning revelations are an opportunity to pray, prepare, and engage as led by the Spirit.

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Francis A. Schaeffer

We must not confuse the Kingdom of God with our country. To say it another way: "We should not wrap our Christianity in our national flag."

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