Lysa TerKeurst

Over time, the more we read and study the Bible, the more we will learn and grow. God created our minds for logical comprehension and spiritual discernment through the power of the Holy Spirit. But even when we don’t immediately understand what we are reading, we can rest assured that just the taking in of God’s Word for ourselves will nourish deep places. We don’t have to understand all the inner workings of our stomach for our body to be nourished by physical food; spiritual food is much the same.

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John Owen

See that your faith brings forth obedience, and God, in due time will cause it to bring forth peace.

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T.J. Green

Historically Christian protesting and boycotts have only fuelled the arguments that probably would have gone away long ago. Christianity has become famous for what we stand against, and we have lost authority in what we stand for. God teaches us how to take over cities by going low and washing feet. Pilot entered Jerusalem on a war horse and chariot. Jesus entered meek and lowly riding on a donkey.

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Arthur W. Pink

The severest self-denials and the most lavish gifts are of no value in God's esteem unless they are prompted by love.

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John Bevere

The Bible doesn’t tell us to speak truth in anger or self-righteousness—only to speak the truth in love. As God’s children, let’s never speak with an attitude that says "I told you so" or "I know more than you" or "I’m better than you." When we bring correction in a mean-spirited way, we demonstrate a lack of compassion for those we address. That’s so tragic and costly. All of us must be motivated, moved, and even consumed with love when we speak into someone’s life, or we should not speak at all.

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José Alvarez

God cannot stretch out your tent pegs without stretching you.

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Kevin DeYoung

There is an eternal difference between regret and repentance. Regret feels bad about past sins. Repentance turns away from past sins. Regret looks to our own circumstances. Repentance looks to God. Most of us are content with regret. We just want to feel bad for awhile, have a good cry, enjoy the cathartic experience, bewail our sin, and talk about how sorry we are. But we don’t want to change. We don’t want to deal with God.

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Author Unknown

God's hearing of our prayers does not depend upon what we are in ourselves, but what we are in Christ Jesus; both our person and our prayers are acceptable in the Beloved.

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John Mark Comer

We read the stories of Jesus—his joy, his resolute peace through uncertainty, his unanxious presence, his relaxed manner and how in the moment he was—and think, I want that life. We hear his open invite to “life…to the full” and think, Sign me up. We hear about his easy yoke and soul-deep rest and think, Gosh, yes, heck yes. I need that. But then we’re not willing to adopt his lifestyle. But in Jesus’ case it is worth the cost. In fact, you get back far more than you give up. There’s a cross, yes, a death, but it’s followed by an empty tomb, a new portal to life. Because in the way of Jesus, death is always followed by resurrection.

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Martin Luther

There are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, mind, and the purse.

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