Jon Bloom
What are your actions saying? What do you do when you are alone, or when your plans are interrupted, or you are disappointed, or your weakness is exposed, or you’re tempted to fear, or someone else prospers or excels you, or you’re called on to help meet someone else’s financial need? How much of a priority do you make your local church? How willing are you to serve obscurely? When those who are closest to you are honest, those who observe you in your unguarded, uncalculated moments, what do they hear from your actions? These are exposing and convicting questions. Jesus had perfect consistency between his words and works. None of the rest of us has this yet.
Will Ford
Jack Frost
When most people read the parable Jesus told in Luke 15, they refer to it as the story of the "Prodigal Son." Religion traditionally has made this story about the failure and sins of the son, just as religion often focuses more on the deeds of the sinner rather than on what God has done to restore the relationship between Himself and His children. But this parable is more about a father’s love and cry for intimacy than it is a son’s rebellion. Although the son did spend his inheritance extravagantly, how much more recklessly did his father give honor, compassion, forgiveness, and grace to his son when he least deserved it? Jack Frost Daily Christian Quote Website ---------
Danny Silk
If your 'love' isn't producing things like safety, peace, and trust in your relationships, it probably shouldn't be called love.
Wayne A. Grudem
Even though the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have perfect and eternal unity, yet they remain distinct persons. In the same way, even though someday we shall attain perfect unity with other believers and with Christ, yet we shall forever remain distinct persons as well, with our own individual gifts, abilities, interests, responsibilities, circles of personal relationships, preferences and desires.
Christine Caine
Life as a follower of Jesus it's an adventure of faith, and the fuel to keep you going is passion - and unapologetic willingness plus enthusiasm to do what God has called you to do and be who he has called you to be.
Horace Bushnell
Habits are to the soul what the veins and arteries are to the blood, the courses in which it moves.
Darlene Cunningham
God the Father is the composer, and the Holy Spirit is the conductor, giving each of us the music to play as we keep our eyes on Jesus. Maybe I have a tiny little piccolo flute, which has a small but distinct sound. But what if I get jealous of the drummer because he has such a loud, emphatic sound to his drums? If I begin to focus on him, I will mess up the part I’m supposed to play. When the conductor gives me the cue to play my piccolo, I will miss my notes because I’m focusing on someone else’s instrument. I cause disharmony in the orchestra and the music isn’t what it is intended to be because my part is missing. Every contribution is important. God designed you to play a special part. Just use whatever gifts He gives you for His glory. You can’t create orchestra music alone. We need each other. And when we play in a beautiful spirit of unity, people will surely see and glorify Jesus.
Kay Arthur
Are you weak? Weary? Confused? Troubled? Pressured? How is your relationship with God? Is it held in its place of priority? I believe the greater the pressure, the greater your need for time alone with Him.
Lysa TerKeurst
Over time, the more we read and study the Bible, the more we will learn and grow. God created our minds for logical comprehension and spiritual discernment through the power of the Holy Spirit. But even when we don’t immediately understand what we are reading, we can rest assured that just the taking in of God’s Word for ourselves will nourish deep places. We don’t have to understand all the inner workings of our stomach for our body to be nourished by physical food; spiritual food is much the same.