Billy Sunday

  If you have no joy, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.

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Frederick Dale Bruner

. But Jesus realizes that the most restful gift he can give the tired is a new way to carry life, a fresh way to bear responsibilities…. Realism sees that life is a succession of burdens; we cannot get away from them; thus instead of offering escape, Jesus offers equipment. Jesus means that obedience to his Sermon on the Mount [his yoke] will develop in us a balance and a “way” of carrying life that will give more rest than the way we have been living.

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Stasi Eldredge


There is nothing wrong with falling at the feet of Jesus in silence. God can hear your tears, he knows your heart, he knows you. You don't always have to speak.
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Billy Graham

We must be careful... that our anger is not a cover for lovelessness or self-righteousness. Anger and bitterness (as well as hatred, jealousy, and resentment) aren’t identical, but they are closely related. Bitterness is anger gone sour, an attitude of deep discontent that poisons our souls and destroys our peace.

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John Maxwell

Once a person embraces responsibility, they become better citizens, better spouses, better community members... they just get better! That’s what all these transformation values do — they lift us to a higher level.

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Steven Furtick

The more of God’s Word we know and the more we’re reminding ourselves of His truths, the less dependent we become on others to snap us out of our self-induced negative spirals. We can begin to rely on God’s Spirit to renew our minds.

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Eric Metaxas


True faith is not a leap in the dark; it’s a leap into the light.

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Joseph Cotten

I challenge you in the name of Jesus to commit to radical purity, honesty, uprightness. Examine your life, ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of any place where you’re stretching the truth, any place where you’re making excuses, any place that you’re flirting with sin and temptation. This is not about guilt; it’s about allowing the goodness of God to transform every place in your life into a place of joy, peace, and satisfaction in Him. Make a fresh commitment today to believe that God will use you to lead others to Jesus and that the power of God will accompany His work through you. By faith, let the shaking that’s happening in the earth today be a shaking in your own life. Let it blow away all that is not of God.

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Chris Mathis

Peter's miraculous deliverance from prison and his consequent initial rejection at the door by Rhoda proves this truth. Some doors God will miraculously open for you; other doors you need to continuously knock on until they open.

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A. W. Tozer

To follow a leader who is faithfully following the Lord is to follow the Lord; to follow one who is not a follower of Christ is to end in disaster. But how can we be sure? How can we know whom to trust? To the law and to the testimony! If the teacher speaks not according to God’s Word there is no light in him. To follow a religious leader for his eloquence or his attractive personality is to travel on a very dangerous path. Many have done it to their everlasting sorrow and loss.

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