Francis Frangipane

Most of us want a medal every time we do something for God, but He is not about to let Peter or us build a monument to our accomplishments, especially when we are just beginning. If this miracle [walking on water] of Peter's were done by some of us here in America, in two weeks we would have tours, T-shirts and commemorative celebrations of the day we walked on water. But Jesus will allow none of that for His disciples. He sees greatness emerging in Peter, and He will not press His disciples toward anything other than conformity to His character. Remember: God's goal is that we become Christlike. Therefore, the real Jesus is going to call us to do the impossible. Walking with God means that we will be called to do what we have never done before. You will see Jesus ahead of you, probably in some kind of storm, but it will be the beginning of a miracle that will change you and touch the world around you.

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Katherine Walden

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Andy Stanley

  Without courage, we simply accumulate a collection of good ideas and regrets.

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Rolland Allen

Christ our Lord revealing himself by the Holy Ghost is not like a human master impressing his own personality upon another to the other’s annihilation. Only in Christ, only as filled with the Holy Spirit and in completest surrender to him, do men really find themselves.

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Erwin Lutzer

The more light that is given, the harder the human heart must become to reject it.  

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Darlene Cunningham

God is not only infinite, but personal, having an intellect, will and emotions. He created us (humankind), though we are finite, in His image as personal beings. This means that we are capable of communication and relationship with God. He created us to KNOW HIM!! Yet it will take our whole lifetimes plus all of eternity to understand not even one-zillionth of one percent of who our great God is!

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Eugene H Peterson

God so loves the world. The prevalence of evil doesn’t throw him into a paroxysm of anger but into an act of love. The power of evil doesn’t send him reeling into a fearful retreat but into an aggressive encounter in which love wins. God loves the world. Our reactions to the world are no help in understanding God’s responses. His response, though, is the greatest help in changing ours.

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Richard Foster

Simplicity sets possessions in proper perspective. Simplicity is the only thing that sufficiently reorients our lives so that possessions can be genuinely enjoyed without destroying us.

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Author Unknown

Every step you take creates a path for someone to follow.

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Jerry Bridges

One of the most difficult defilements of the spirit to deal with is the critical spirit. A critical spirit has its root in pride. Because of the 'plank' of pride in our own eye we are not capable of dealing with the 'speck' of need in someone else. We are often like the Pharisee who, completely unconscious of his own need prayed "God, I thank you that I am not like other men" (Luke 18:11). We are quick to see - and to speak of - the faults of others, but slow to see our own needs. How sweetly we relish the opportunity to speak critically of someone else - even when we are unsure of the facts. We forge that "a man who stirs up dissension among brothers" by criticizing one to another is one of the "six thing which the Lord hates" (Proverbs 6:16-19)

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