Bill Johnson

Mankind’s authority to rule was forfeited when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Paul said, “You are that one’s slaves whom you obey” (Rom. 6:16). In that one act mankind became the slave and possession of the evil one. All that Adam owned, including the title deed to the planet with its corresponding position of rule, became part of the devil’s spoil. God’s predetermined plan of redemption immediately kicked into play, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel” (Gen. 3:15). Jesus would come to reclaim all that was lost.

John Owen

When someone acts weak, negligent, or casual in a duty – performing it carelessly or lifelessly, without any genuine satisfaction, joy, or interest, he has already entered into the spirit that will lead him into trouble. How many we see today who have departed from warmhearted service and have become negligent, careless, and indifferent in their prayer life or in the reading of the Scriptures. For each one who escapes this peril, a hundred others will be ensnared. Then it may be too late to acknowledge, “I neglected private prayer,” or ” I did not meditate on God’s Word,” or “I did not hear what I should have listened to.”