Father God, open our eyes so we can see those that you send our way to be our teachers, remove from our minds those preconceived ideas that would blind us to the lessons you would have us learn. Remove from our hearts any prejudice that places barriers between us and the blessings you wish to pour out through our brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep us teachable through your gentle conviction and encouragement.
Alicia Britt Chole
Bill Johnson
The eleven tribal leaders wanted Aaron’s position, they didn’t consider him worthy. But the next morning they got up in Aaron’s rod had sprouted had buds, blossoms and ripe almonds. The point of anointed leadership is life; not just ripe moments, not just maturity. All leaders have to have maturity but they must also have areas where they’re just starting to learn. Kingdom leaders are marked by their continual development.
Ed Stetzer
The willingness to lower yourself by listening and understanding the culture, worldview, and background of those you engage opens doors for communicating the gospel of love. It reveals that you are interested in winning the person instead of the debate.
Katherine Walden
A good teacher knows how to capture a child’s imagination; an extraordinarily gifted teacher knows how to draw out child-like inquisitiveness in their audience.
Katherine Walden
Lord, keep my heart and my mind open and alert to those moments in my everyday life when you are giving me as opportunities to learn. Remove the blinders from my eyes so I may see those you send my way to impart that truth you have for me. Lord, help me see past their youth, their age, their disabilities, or their ethnicity. Help me to see your Spirit calling me to pay attention in the classroom of my everyday world.
Amanda Cook
May we never lose our wonder. Wide-eyed and mystified, may we be just like a child, staring at the beauty of our King.
Bill Johnson
Sometimes, what appears to be over-qualification in ministry is actually a state of being bound to what we already know at the expense of our need to learn something new from the Lord. Putting it another way, what we know can keep us from what we need to know if we don’t maintain the attitude of a novice, staying open and teachable.
Howard A. Johnson
[Christians], at their best, know that often they don’t know. They do not have all the answers. They do not have God in their pocket. We cannot answer every question that any bright boy in the back row might ask. We have only light enough to walk by.
Maria Augusta Von Trapp
It would have been easy for God to show us the plan for this period, as He had it all fixed up…But then again we would not have learned that most valuable lesson, so He left us in the dark and gave us only one thing at a time.