Martin Luther

It is the part of a Christian to take care of his own body for the very purpose that by its soundness and well being he may be enabled to labour… for the aid of those who are in want, that thus the stronger member may serve the weaker member, and we may be children of God, and busy for one another, bearing one another’s burdens, and so fulfilling the law of Christ.

Ed Silvoso

First, it is possible to change the spiritual climate over a city. Second, it is biblical to meet the felt needs of unbelievers without demanding that they first receive Christ. The latter provided theological justification for us to show sinners compassion without compromising God’s holiness by putting them in touch with His mercy through prayers that ministered to their felt needs—so they would access His saving grace out of gratitude for such prayers.

Brian Johnson

As a leader, I must resist using my team for personal gain, but rather position myself for their gain. Making room on the stage for their destinies to become a reality. It’s because the people on my team are called to influence spheres I will never have access too. As leaders, if we don’t think bigger than our personal destinies, nobody will last in our environments. Brilliance is birthed in an atmosphere where leaders become the biggest encouragers in the room, not just the biggest personalities, voices, and opinions.

Alister McGrath

The great paradox of faith is that we find our perfect freedom only when become slaves – slaves to God…In the ancient world, slaves judged their self-worth in relation to the importance of their masters. The greater the social status of a master, the greater the esteem of the slave. Christians are slaves of the greatest and kindest master of all.