W. Ian Thomas

Walking in the spirit is a continuous process, one step at a time. It means that for every new situation into which every new step brings you, you must we reckon positively with the Holy Spirit, to keep the flesh in the place of death. I want to emphasize the need to reckon positively… The surest way of reckoning yourself to be dead to sin (that old Adamic nature), is to reckon yourself alive in Jesus Christ and be utterly dependent on him. He then will take care of the consequences.

Francois Fenelon

The Great Physician, who sees in us what we cannot see, knows exactly where to place the knife. He cuts away that which we are most reluctant to give up. And how it hurts! But we must remember that the pain is only felt where there is life, and where there is life is just the place where death is needed. Our Father wastes no time by cutting into parts that are already dead. Do not misunderstand me; He wants you to live abundantly, but this can only be accomplished by allowing Him to cut into that flesh part of you that is still stubbornly clinging to life.

Cyril Brooks

In radio or TV terms we are receivers. If we do occasionally transmit signals, we transmit only what we have first received. Everything has been given to us from life in the womb to life in the Spirit. We are beneficiaries, totally blessed because totally loved by God. Sanctity after all is only letting the love of God loose, letting him rampage through our lives.