What is outside your comfort zone today maybe at the very centre of your comfort zone tomorrow. This is because once you open become used to the scariness of your new place, being outside your comfort zone begins to seem like home. Before long, you may have to move yet again and go to the unknown, like Abraham went out but did not know where he was going.
Christine Caine
Eugene H. Peterson
The way of Jesus cannot be imposed or mapped — it requires an active participation in following Jesus as he leads us through sometimes strange and unfamiliar territory, in circumstances that become clear only in the hesitations and questionings, in the pauses and reflections where we engage in prayerful conversation with one another and with Him.
Gilbert Keith G. K. Chesterton
We must tell stories the way God does, stories in which a sister must float her little brother on a river with nothing but a basket between him and the crocodiles. Stories in which a king is a coward, and a shepherd boy steps forward to face the giant. Stories with fiery serpents and leviathans and sermons in whirlwinds. Stories in which murderers are blinded on donkeys and become heroes. Stories with dens of lions and fiery furnaces and lone prophets laughing at kings and priests and demons. Stories with heads on platters. Stories with courage and crosses and redemption. Stories with resurrections.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

They who navigate little streams and shallow creeks, know but little of the God of tempests; but they who “Do business in great waters,” these see his “wonders in the deep.”
Sir Francis Drake
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. We ask you to push back the horizons of our hopes; and to push into the future in strength, courage, hope, and love.
John R.W. Stott
Insistence on security is incompatible with the way of the cross. What daring adventures the incarnation and the atonement were! What a breach of convention and decorum that Almighty God should renounce his privileges in order to take human flesh and bear human sin! Jesus had no security except in his Father. So to follow Jesus is always to accept at least a measure of uncertainty, danger and rejection for his sake.
Shawn Bolz

The most amazing things happen when you are obedient and take risks for God.
Author Unknown
God is urging us on: to use our faith, to act on His Word, to trust Him. It might seem frightening, but God knows we can do it. Once we learn how to walk with God by faith, we will embrace the adventure and we’ll never want to go back.
Catherine Marshall
We don’t have to accept blandness in life. God, who is the author of creativity, is ready to make a dull life adventuresome the moment we allow his Holy Spirit to go to work inside us.