Vaneetha Risner

I have something far better than a reassurance that my dreaded “what ifs” won’t happen. I have the assurance that even if they do happen, he will be there in the midst of them. He will carry me. He will comfort me. He will tenderly care for me. God doesn’t promise us a trouble-free life. But he does promise that he will be there in the midst of our sorrows.

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Samuel Logan Brengle

The Bible tells us that it is 'perfect love' which must, in the very nature of the case, expel from the heart all hatred and every evil contrary contrary to love, just as you must first empty a cup of all oil that may be in it before you can fill it with water.

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Michael Van Vlymen

The enemy uses condemnation to keep us from serving God. As the Lord is molding you and refining you, remain willing to be used of Him even during the process. Refuse to back down to the voice of condemnation and accusation. If your heart is that God do His will in your life, you have no reason to pull back. Be available and be willing! I mean it! Yes. I am talking to you. In the doing, the taking steps of faith and allowing Hiim to use you, you will find you are being strengthened and molded into the image of Christ.

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Jeremiah L Johnson

Grace doesn't remove the concept of consequences for our actions, but it does remove the idea that God is against us when we fail.

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Danny Silk

If you heard someone described as a powerful person, you might assume he or she would be the loudest person in the room, the one telling everyone else what to do. But powerful does not mean dominating. In fact, a controlling, dominating person is the very opposite of a powerful person. Powerful people do not try to control other people. They know it doesn’t work, and that it’s not their job. Their job is to control themselves.

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John Eldredge

Envy first brings depression: “My life isn’t as good as yours.” Then comes offense: “Why should you have what I don’t have?” - which degrades into hatred.

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Bob Guier

Jesus was not crucified for being nice. He was crucified for being bold and confrontational. Don't misunderstand. He was the kindest person who ever lived, but he wasn't a sap. He knew when kindness and empathy were called for, but he also knew when it was time to get in someone's face and tell them the truth. God has not called us to be nice. He has called us to be good. Nice people never confront evil and error; good people do.

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Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence.

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Ed Stetzer

We are willing to demonstrate grace and healing to those who look, act, and struggle the same way we do, but condemn and alienate those who look, act, or struggle differently. As a result, when people in our churches, whether out of curiosity or need, seek to discuss uncomfortable topics like racial injustice, they are often met with scorn or simplistic responses meant to quickly dismiss the conversation and silence "the other" because of the discomfort the topic creates. Such responses are profoundly unloving.

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Blaise Pascal

Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is.

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