Thomas Brooks

  The moment we give into temptation, Satan immediately changes his strategy and becomes the accuser.

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David Joel Hamilton

In many ways it [the 12 disciples] was an unlikely team. Among them was Judas Iscariot. Not only was Judas known to be a thief (Joh 12:6), but we are told that he indignantly chastised his team leader – Jesus! – in public (Joh 12:4-5). That must have created some interesting team dynamics! But that was not all. Jesus had picked both Matthew (who, as a tax-collector, was a pro-Roman collaborator) and Simon (who, as a zealot, was an anti-Roman revolutionary) to be on his team. They must have had some heated arguments coming from opposite sides of the political spectrum! Even so, Jesus opted to minister with a team, rather than go it alone. He saw diversity not as a liability but as an asset, providing a unique opportunity for “sandpaper discipleship,” as one rubbed against another, smoothing off the rough edges. The unlikely love between natural enemies would be a powerful witness to the transforming power of the gospel. He taught his team, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (Joh 13:35).

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Francis de Sales

Every moment comes to us pregnant with a command from God, only to pass on and plunge into eternity, there to remain forever what we have made of it.

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Ed Silvoso

Romans 16:20: "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."" This verse opened my eyes to a monumental mistake we had been making in spiritual warfare: We had rated war higher than peace. It is not the God of war, but the God of peace who crushes Satan, and He does it under our feet—hence the need for us to walk in peace. Jesus has defeated the devil already, and as we walk in peace God crushes Satan’s head under our feet.

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Maria Faustina Kowalska

When my soul is in anguish, I think only in this way: Jesus is good and full of mercy, and even if the ground were to give way under my feet, I would not cease to trust in Him.

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Steven Furtick

What event happened just before Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness? He was baptized in the affirmation of His Father in the Jordan River. The last event before Jesus’s first showdown with Satan was the remarkable scene we studied in the last chapter—when the voice of God pronounced the words that have always been and would always be true about the Father’s affection for and acceptance of Jesus: This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. (Matthew 3:17) It was as if the Father was preparing Him for the temptation He was about to face. So not only did Jesus know what was true: It is written. He also knew it was true for Him: I am the Son of God.

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Dana Arcuri

  When life gets hectic and you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on the people and things you are most grateful for. When you have an attitude of gratitude, frustrating troubles will fall by the wayside.  

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Harold Eberle

Abraham was not being blindly obedient. The most obvious message of the Abrahamic story is that he knew God. Abraham had walked with God for many years. Before preparing his son Isaac for the sacrifice, Abraham confidently stated, "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering…." (Gen. 22:8). Abraham knew that God would intervene. He knew that God would somehow provide a sacrifice or even raise Isaac from the dead if necessary. Therefore, he was not taking a blind leap of faith. Abraham was acting based on his knowledge of God.  

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Leonard Ravenhill

Ever notice we never pray for folks we gossip about, and we never gossip about the folk for whom we pray?

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Darlene Cunningham

God is an amazing communicator. The most common phrases in the Bible are “God said” or “the Lord said.” They are used 1,500 times in the Original Testament alone. But He speaks in different ways: through an audible voice, through dreams and visions, through angels, through that still small voice in our hearts, through the words of a godly friend or teacher, through new revelation into the Scriptures. God can speak any way He chooses to – He even spoke through a donkey once! He is looking for listening hearts.

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