Neil Kennedy

I've learned that closed doors are not threats to my destiny. I've learned that when someone exits my life, the right person enters it. I've learned that people lie. I've learned that God keeps his promises. I've learned that people will betray you, but God is loyal. I've learned that you can be alone while standing in a crowd. I've learned not to be concerned with what people think about me because frankly, most people don't think about me. But God knows my name. Neil Kennedy Daily Christian Quote Website ---------

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Gretchen Rodriguez

Sometimes when opposition is screaming in my face, I roar with the boldness of my inner lioness. And sometimes, I turn my back, walk away, and smile with confidence—my Father's got this one. Even warriors need to rest.

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Robby Dawkins

The Lord wants to be pursued. He searches for people whose hearts are fully devoted to Him to share His secrets with, to share His glorious presence with, to reveal Himself to. Nothing matters like the Presence. Not position, not applause of men, not the fame of this world. None of it matters. Pursue the Presence and never let something else satisfy.

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Jackie Pullinger

If you want to see revival, plant your church in the gutter.

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Henry Cloud

People who succeed in life do not go around setting scores; they do not even keep scores. They run up the score by doing good to others, even when the others don't deserve it. They give them better than they are given. And as a result, they often bring the other person up to their level, instead of being brought down to the level of the other.

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Author Unknown

Agreement is not a prerequisite needed in order to show kindness and respect.

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Sally McClung

I read about a man who had a weather vane on his barn that said "God is love." When asked why it said that, he told them that it was a reminder to him. "No matter which way the wind blows, God is love." How simple, but how profound - and how true! No matter what "weather" comes our way - God is love. God is faithful. God is sufficient. God is with us. God is good. God is working in our lives to accomplish His plans and purposes. Whatever way the wind blows in our lives - God is there with whatever we need. And He's still working miracles!

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C Baxter Kruger

The love of God is dangerous... It is a slippery slope... You may just slide right into the arms of your loving Father.

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R. T. Kendall

What is outside your comfort zone today maybe at the very centre of your comfort zone tomorrow. This is because once you open become used to the scariness of your new place, being outside your comfort zone begins to seem like home. Before long, you may have to move yet again and go to the unknown, like Abraham went out but did not know where he was going.

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Gordon D Fee

Christian conduct is not predicated on whether I have the right to do something, but whether my conduct is helpful to those about me.

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