Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Let no Christian parents fall into the delusion that Sunday School is intended to ease them of their personal duties. The first and most natural condition of things is for Christian parents to train up their own children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

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Elisabeth Elliot

Does it make sense to pray for guidance about the future if we are not obeying in the thing that lies before us today? How many momentous events in Scripture depended on one person’s seemingly small act of obedience! Rest assured: Do what God tells you to do now, depend upon it, you will be shown what to do next.

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Author Unknown

Today, I will face my problems, unwrap them and seek to understand their component parts by spreading them out before the Lord, thank Him in advance for what He's going to do, follow orders for what I am to do, and stand by to watch His miracles.

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Richard J Foster

The truth of the matter is, we all come to prayer with a tangled mass of motives altruistic and selfish, merciful and hateful, loving and bitter. Frankly, this side of eternity we will never unravel the good from the bad, the pure from the impure. God is big enough to receive us with all our mixture.

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Corrie Ten Boom

I've experienced His presence in the deepest darkness hell that men can create. I've tested the promises of the Bible, and believe me, you can count on them.

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John Mark Comer

Jesus came out of the wilderness with all sorts of clarity about his identity and calling. He was grounded. Centered. In touch with God and himself. From that place of emotional equilibrium and spiritual succor, he knew precisely what to say yes to and, just as importantly, what to say no to. Hence: as the Gospels go on, you quickly realize the quiet place was top priority for Jesus.

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Dutch Sheets

I’ve discovered that the right answer begins with the right question. God is not offended by a sincere question; He loves an honest seeker. So, keep asking! Dutch Sheets Daily Christian Quote Website ---------

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Graham Cooke

I think the biggest enemy in the church is not the devil. It’s our own passivity. At some point the Good News becomes okay news and Christianity is no longer life changing but merely life enhancing. If Jesus doesn’t change people into radicals anymore, just nice people, then the church becomes dull, predictable, and monotonous. Dullness is the absence of brightness in our soul. Sometimes I think that sin is not necessarily immorality or selfishness. Sometimes it just means we live drab, colorless, stale, and unimaginative lives before God.

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Katherine Walden

  We are not defined by the many Social Media likes and subscribers; we are defined by the love of the One.

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Watchman Nee

Satan has in fact a plan against the saints of the Most High which is to wear them out. What is meant by this phrase, "wear out"? It has in it the idea of reducing a little this minute, then reducing a little further the next minute. Reduce a little today, reduce a little tomorrow. Thus the wearing out is almost imperceptible; nevertheless, it is a reducing. The wearing down is scarcely an activity of which one is conscious, yet the end result is that there is nothing left. He will take away your prayer life little by little, and cause you to trust God less and less and yourself more and more, a little at a time. He will make you feel somewhat cleverer than before. Step by step, you are misled to rely more on your own gift, and step by step your heart is enticed away from the Lord. Now, were Satan to strike the children of God with great force at one time, they would know exactly how to resist the enemy since they would immediately recognize his work. He uses the method of gradualism to wear down the people of God.

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