Chris Cruz
Jesus had to face his suffering head on, but what we see in his example is still surprising: suffering doesn't have to disfigure us or destroy us. Jesus provides a path through suffering. Jesus didn't die so that you and I would never have to experience pain or suffering. Instead, Jesus’ suffering makes it possible for our pain to be transformed. Instead of living with open wounds, we follow the example of Jesus and become people who carry glorious scars.
Ed Silvoso
Darkness and hopelessness are terms that have no plural form, whereas light and hope do. Once you punch a hole in the darkness, light floods in.
Jill Parr
We can speak it. We can say it. We can know all the right words. We can learn the language. But until we can LIVE it, it’s just more Christian rhetoric. Actions back our words. Actions are the proof of what we believe. Be the change.
Author Unknown
The trouble with most Christians today is that they would rather be on the judgment seat than on the witness stand.
Katherine Walden
Watch your words about someone else, and even more so when others are criticising them behind their backs then acting kindly to their faces. Be the ONE who dares to confront those who gossip about others. It has to stop somewhere. Be the one who reminds others that there is a dangerous line they are crossing. Do so with love but remember -love does not condone gossip.
Bill Bright
All God wants of His followers is that we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and that we trust His promises and obey His commands. He will then give us wisdom, grace, favour, manpower, finances--everything we need--to accomplish all that He has called us to do.
Dawna De Silva
God has a recipe for combating fear. Its formula is simple: power + love + self-discipline 2 Tim 1:7). If we balance these ingredients equally, there is no tactic the devil can use to trick us into partnering with fear... When our formulas are out of balance, fear takes control of our lives.
Brian Hardin
Are we social believers who, in the privacy of our own hearts, have no relationship with God? That is what happened to the world in Jesus' time, and these questions are no less important today. God wants to set us apart so that we can be in the divine dance of life together with Him. Obedience isn't about ritual enslavement. It's about the persistent reminder in all things that He is near, and He's leading us on the narrow path that leads to life.
Jack Hayford
Our greatest victories are rarely won in an instant, but in the morning-by-morning application of His truth and power which overthrows the strongholds of darkness in our world and secures His purpose in us.
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Just as the salt water of the sea is drawn upwards by the hot rays of the sun, and gradually takes on the form of clouds, and, turned thus into sweet and refreshing water, falls in showers on the earth (for the sea water as it rises upwards leaves behind it its salt and bitterness), so when the thoughts and desires of the man of prayer rise aloft like misty emanations of the soul, the rays of the Sun of Righteousness purify them of all sinful taint, and his prayers become a great cloud which descends from heaven in a shower of blessing, bringing refreshment to many on the earth.