Many do not recognize the fact as they ought, that Satan has got men fast asleep in sin and that it is his great device to keep them so. He does not care what we do if he can do that. We may sing songs about the sweet by and by, preach sermons and say prayers until doomsday, and he will never concern himself about us, if we don’t wake anybody up. But if we awake the sleeping sinner he will gnash on us with his teeth. this is our work – to wake people up.
Francis Frangipane
Beloved, the Lord seeks to awaken us to His presence. His promises are more than dream-like realities reserved only for the hereafter. In this life, Moses lived in the glory of God; and while still earthbound, Israel’s elders “ate and drank” in the visible glory of God (Ex 24:9-11). “Beholding . . . the glory of the Lord” is the very means of our transformation! (2 Cor. 3:18). Thus, if we want Christ to manifest through us, we must rouse ourselves from the opiates of worldliness and lethargy. If we want our dream of living in God’s presence to come true we must wake up.