God is the giver, and we are the receivers. And His riches are gifted not upon those who do the greatest things but upon those who accept His abundance and His grace.
Priscilla Shirer
He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth. (Hos. 6:3) How does a person receive rain? Not by prying it loose from the sky but just by watching it fall, by standing in the downpour, by thanking Him for opening up the floodgates and sending what He knows we need and can’t get for ourselves, yet what He so faithfully, regularly, and graciously gives.
Priscilla Shirer
He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth. (Hos. 6:3) How does a person receive rain? Not by prying it loose from the sky but just by watching it fall, by standing in the downpour, by thanking Him for opening up the floodgates and sending what He knows we need and can’t get for ourselves, yet what He so faithfully, regularly, and graciously gives.