Griffith John

It is possible to evangelize the world in this generation, if the Church will but do her duty. The trouble is not with the heathen. A dead Church will prevent it, if it is prevented. Why should it not be accomplished? God will have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. The resources of the Church are boundless. Let the will of the Church be brought into line with the will of God, and nothing will be found to be impossible. May God grant it!

Alan Redpath

I would always distinguish revival from evangelism. Although often confused, the two are entirely different. Evangelism is winning the unsaved; revival has to do with the Christian. Evangelism is the permanent duty of the church; revival is a gracious outpouring of the Spirit of God.

Katherine Walden

If the world’s ship is sunk and we as believers are in the lifeboat, are we rescuing those who are drowning in the waters around us? I wonder. I think a lot of believers are having a huge party, thanking their divine Captain for saving them. They are making so much noise they can’t hear the cries of those begging for a hand up onto the lifeboat. Then there are others who lean over the edge of the boat, busily bashing anyone in reach with their blanket judgements, pet doctrines, end time theologies and harsh words. They view those who drown as a result to be hard hearted and unreceptive to their help.

Dwight L Moody

In Proverbs we read: “He that winneth souls is wise.” If any man, women, or child by a godly life and example can win one soul to God, his life will not have been a failure. He will have outshone all the mighty men of his day, because he will have set a stream in motion that will flow on and on forever and ever.

John Wimber

God has arranged it so that we are the only Bible that some people will ever hear. If we proclaim the message of the Cross in the power of the Spirit, Jesus will do the rest. Paul wrote, “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tables of human hearts” (2 Cor. 3:3). spiritual growth is important not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others who will be changed through the message we carry.

Cornelius Stam

The salvation of the lost is not best accomplished by great popular campaigns, conducted by a small minority of specialists in public evangelism, but by the godly, honest witness of believers individually. It is pure irresponsibility to leave the evangelization of the lost to the ‘experts,’ as many are doing today. God would have every believer do his part to win the lost to Christ by prayer, personal witness and sincere godliness.