I’ve experienced His presence in the deepest darkness hell that men can create. I’ve tested the promises of the Bible, and believe me, you can count on them.
Emotional Healing
Jack Hayford
So often people isolate themselves when they are lonely, hurt or afraid. Yet the Lord says that He wants to put them into families—families of friends, families within the Body of Christ, families of their own. The isolation to which many have retreated is due to broken relationships that need to be bound together. Other times, there are relationships that do not yet exist that need to be bound together; however, assisting or inviting people into small group fellowships or prayer groups sets an atmosphere where the healing of prayerful partnership and friendship will eventuate in faith that binds together.
Pete Scazzero
When we deny our pain, losses, and feelings year after year, we become less and less human. We transform slowly into empty shells with smiley faces painted on them. Sad to say, that is the fruit of much of our discipleship in our churches. But when I began to allow myself to feel a wider range of emotions, including sadness, depression, fear, and anger, a revolution in my spirituality was unleashed. I soon realized that a failure to appreciate the biblical place of feelings within our larger Christian lives has done extensive damage, keeping free people in Christ in slavery.
Katherine Walden
Graham Cooke
He’s dealt with your past in Jesus. He stands in your present and says, “I know all these things have happened to you, but let me show you who you’re going to become.”
Author Unknown
When I am free from selfishness, I am free from irritation. When I am free from jealousy, I am free to rejoice in good things in another’s life. When I am free from judgment, I am free to pray for others from a pure heart.
John G Lake
When I see the living God, in His tender mercy, touch one another and make them whole, whether in spirit and soul or in body, I rejoice equally. In either case, God’s actions are always good and worthy of grace. I regard the healing of a man’s body to be just as sacred as the healing of his soul. There is no distinction. Jesus made none. He provided a perfect salvation for mankind. All that man needed was a spirit, soul, or body.