Edwina Gatley

No matter how much life and circumstances may batter and bruise us on this journey of life, the God of our childhood is also the God of our adulthood and is also the God of our old age. God is faithful on this developing journey, ever seducing us along the way to remember who we are and from where we come. Who we are, the daughters and the sons of God, called to reflect the face of God in a suffering world.


Jerry Bridges

As I get older, do it yourself projects around the house that used to come easily to me, don’t anymore. So, I often find myself crying out to God to help me complete the routine tasks that I used to do. I think this growing sense of dependency is due to more than growing older. I think it is part of God’s process of maturing me as a believer. The same thing is true in both my physical life and my spiritual life. The truth, however, is that in my younger years, I was just as dependent on God as I am now. I just did not recognise it.