
What is required of you, if you join the Daily Christian Quote Facebook group?

*Nothing* beyond seeing an inspirational, challenging, and motivating Christian quote each day appear on your Facebook Newsfeed.

If you would like to ‘share’ these quotes, there is always a share link at the bottom of each quote. If you like a quote, feel free to hit the like button. The more you hit the like button, the more Facebook thinks you are interested and they will allow you to see the quotes on your newsfeed.

Katherine Walden

Just a little explanation about the DCQ

I place these Daily Quotes in a queue two months in advance. What you read here today I uploaded two months before. 95% of these quotes come from books that were written long before the date you are reading these quotes. As of December 2020, 5 years of quotes lay in wait to be posted! I daily add to my library of quotes, searching out quotes that I feel are hopeful, encouraging, challenging, and hold a depth that causes us all to pause and think.

Therefore, the quotes you see here were not intentionally written to address what is happening in the world you are living in on this current date. Sometimes, however, those quotes might have well been written as if God knew what you needed to hear on the day you read the quote.

On occasion, I might quote from a sermon or teaching I heard recently, but remember, that recently was actually two months ago.

If these quotes hit home to a current situation going on in your life or your nation’s life today, that was not through an intentional act on my part. Consider it a nudge from God, letting you know that He is lovingly aware and attentive to your current situation. I honestly forget what I have placed in the queue at times, so the quotes are as fresh to me as they are to you.

The ONLY times I intentionally post a quote for a particular day or season are for important days in our global international year. Advent, Christmas New Years, Easter, etc.

Katherine Walden

Did you know?
You can search this site with two methods:
1. Use the search engine for keywords or by author’s names.
2. Use the TAG menu at the top of every page on this site to find quotes by themes or subjects. Looking for Christmas or Advent quotes, for example? Not all quotes surrounding these themes have the keywords ‘Advent’ or ‘Christmas’ within the quote itself, and that’s when the TAG page comes in handy.