Duncan Smith
Vaneetha Rendall Risner
Our faith is not a facade we erect to convince ourselves and others that pain doesn’t hurt—it is an oak tree that can withstand the storms of doubt and pain in our lives, and grow stronger through them.
Eugene H Peterson
In a world defined by anger, our lives are narrowed into bitterness and violence. In a world defined by fear, our lives become anemic and timid. In a world defined by God love, the result is eternal life.
Susie Larson
Our witness is only as strong as our freedom is real. We can have the most noble convictions in the world, but if we are snarky and impatient when we don't get our way, those things will interfere with our influence. If we gossip more than we pray, those misspoken words will demolish our influence. If our addictions get in the way of living out our convictions, we'll have mostly a negative influence.
Priscilla Shirer
Stop frantically searching for God’s will; start frantically searching for God Himself.
Sadhu Sundar Singh
When we are in the dark we know through our sense of touch what kind of object we are holding in our hands, whether it is a stick or a snake. Both can be felt in the darkness, but we can see them only in the light. So long as we are not in the light we grope and stumble about, and we cannot see true reality. The man who does not believe in Divine Light is still in darkness. What then shall we do to come to the Light? We must step out of the darkness and approach the Light; that is, we must kneel before our Saviour and pray to Him fervently. Then we shall be bathed in His Light, and we shall see everything clearly.
Kris Vallotton
So much power lies in the sustainability of understanding God’s Word in the depths of your being, to the point that it changes the lenses through which you see the world.\
James Goll
Our prayers should be simple—there is no need to instruct the Father. This lack of complexity should be just as true for our minor personal requests as for sweeping global needs. In both cases, we are echoing the prayer of Jesus, "Your Kingdom come on earth as it is currently being manifested in heaven" (see Matt. 6:10). We do not need to tell Him how to handle everything. He is God; He knows already. We just need to present the needs to Him.
Katherine Walden
Making resolutions to spend more time praying will not prove lastingly effective unless there is a measure of trust or faith that God is nearby and is actively listening.
Dana Candler
The truth is that we were made to abandon ourselves, made to give all in love without compromise. Innate in our makeup is dissatisfaction with half-heartedness and a yearning to love and be loved to the uttermost. It is the highest way to live, the most pleasurable and freeing existence for the human heart. The frustration we experience in apathy and the discontent we face in partiality it’s not something within us gone awry but rather a cry lifting its voice that is holy and God-given. We were created with this groan for wholeheartedness because God himself is wholehearted.