Kathryn Kuhlman
Whether life grinds a man down or polishes him depends on what he's made of.
C S Lewis
C S Lewis speaking of his conversion experience: As the dry bones shook and came together in that dreadful Valley of Ezekiel’s, so now a philosophical theorem, cerebrally entertained, began to stir and heave and throw off its graveclothes, and stood upright and became a living presence. I was to be allowed to play at philosopy no longer. It might, as I say, still be true that my "Spirit" differed in some way from the God of popular religion. My Adversary waived the point. It sank into utter unimportance. He would not argue about it. He only said, "I am the Lord"; "I am that I am"; "I am." People who are naturally religious find difficulty in understanding the horror of such a revelation. Amiable agnostics will talk cheerfully about "man’s search for God." To me, as I then was, they might as well have talked about the mouse’s search for the cat.
Duncan Smith
Not all encounters with God will be dramatic, but every encounter with God has drawn me into more hunger for Him, as I long to know His heart and hear what He has to say.
Gretchen Rodriguez
Fear drives us to take matters into our own hands instead of releasing them to Him.
Ruth Haley Barton
I have been drawn to the story of Moses, because his hard-won strength of soul forged in his private encounters with God gave him the staying power he needed for the long haul of leadership. He made it all the way to the finish line of his life in leadership not because he knew how to think about leadership and conceptualize it in clever ways. He lasted because he allowed his leadership challenges to catalyze and draw him into a level of reliance on God that he might not have pursued had it not been for his great need for God which he experienced most profoundly in the crucible of leadership. He literally had no place else to go!
Michael Maiden
God has one plan for your life but ten thousand ways to get you there. If one part of your life fails — business, relationships, finances, etc. He will still be faithful to fulfill His plan for you.
Albert Haase
It takes a lot of emotional and psychological energy to keep a wound open, to keep a grudge alive. The longer I allow a wound to fester, the more bitterness, anger and self-pity poison my blood and eat at my heart.
Charles R Swindoll
Great character, like massive roots, grow deep when water is sparse and winds are strong.
Kris Vallotton
Nobody should have to willingly submit to someone who abuses him or her. Love is weightier and therefore takes precedence over submission every time. Truth must have order or it becomes a destructive perversion, a dangerous counterfeit or a devious delusion.
Samuel Chadwick
Compassion costs. It is easy enough to argue, criticize, and condemn, but redemption is costly, and comfort draws from the deep. Brains can argue, but it takes heart to comfort.